Monday, January 29, 2007

Saturday Jan 27th 2007

A busy day!

well it started a little rough because I wasnt feeling the best LOL. I got up earlier than I wanted because I felt a little queasy, then when I went back to bed I couldnt sleep. So I was up before the kids came home from their sleepover with Nanny. I should have gone shopping, but I didnt do anything because I was too tired LOL. I was up and dressed and only barely existing. SO tired. YOu know that tired, the "Oh I cannot lift my arm" tired....the "Don't talk so loud I'm too tired to answer your Questions" tired. So Scott took Holly to hockey and I didnt move. lol

Until later. Annika had a birthday party to go to (her first real "only her invited" party). That was great for her! I was nervous to let her go, didnt know these people from Adam, but it turns out, Scott knew them :) So he left her there with them! I'm like OMG you left her there?? But he says he KNEW them! lOl

Getting her ready was interesting. She was mad mad mad at me all day because it wasnt time to go yet. I tried to take her photo but she would not smile and then it becomes a bit of a challenge to get that perfect photo LOL. I didnt get it, but look at these expressions! Hahahah

So she goes to the party and the two big girls started cleaning rooms. Annika cleaned before she left, the two others later. Wish there was more cleaning and less playing going on there! I got Taylor ready for her Concert that night, and Holly Finally got to play on her rink! iT was so so so cold outside!

She and Scott played on it for a good hour or more before they nearly froze. It's good for her to practice her skills, a nice sized little patch of ice.
I could go on showing photos for ages but it's just time to stop hehehe!

So I went to pick up Annika from her party and that took so long, I rushed home to get Taylor and take her to her concert rehearsal. It was a concert benefit for Transition House, a women and children's shelter here in town (unless I'm wrong). Taylor sings in the Douglas Street School Choir, and they were massed with many other choirs including the St. Mary's school and Redcliff School choirs, the Truro Youth Singers, the First Baptist Girls Choir, the First Baptist Church and St Andrew's Church Choirs, and the Cantabile Choir. Very exciting, seriously exciting. They did 2 songs with the mass choir and three on their own. It was a long concert, a late night (they were there 4 hours!) and Taylor started to feel sick about half way through the concert. But I was so glad to have gone!
I have video from their dress rehearsal, the first time the 8-9 choirs sang together. It's a little shakey but there was lots of fine tuning done afterwards.
So that was Saturday. That night I worked on getting ready for a SU party the next day. Which was Scott's birthday :)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Fraiday January 26th My Birthday!

Yup I am 34 today. At one point that seemed SO old, now I see it's not really very old at all. Age is a state of mind anyway. I'll take getting old over the alternative.

So I had to get up early. Yup, got a Stampin' up party this morning.

But first I had to get attacked by the kids. They ambushed me after my shower, but I managed to make it to the bedroom for Cards and gifts. Scott had given me some scrapbooking supplies earlier in the week, and he added some shirts and tank tops.
the kids thought this was great fun.

The ice is recovering and is almost ready to be skated on! I am having Hope!

So they got off to school and I got off to Stampin. I originally decided to book this party for my birthday because I thought it beat staying home with 2 kids alone. But as it turns out, Aleah was here all day so I could have gone to Halifax with Scott. But I booked the party. And I was too tired to get ready for it. THANK TO ALLISON who arranged half of my projects!

The card party went well, some ladies I had not seen in awhile, and they liked the cards. Didnt fare so well on the Viewmaster card, but it's done :) I was a little social and didnt get home until 130 or so. I actually was Dying for a nap, But only got a short one because Scott and the kids booked me for a Massage that I got for Christmas.

The massage was nice and relaxing. She was really good for such a little thing, she used loads of pressure. I felt very good after.My neck kink appears to be gone.

Then I was surprised by a manicure. Scott called while I was away in the morning and arranged for a manicure after my massage. That was reallllly nice too. My nails are recovering from the torture of December, the Gel nails didnt help their poor shape much. My nails are temporarily pink and tidy.

After the Manicure I went home and found Scott had taken the kids from Hockey to his mother's for the night. I didnt even get to say goodnight "pout". I wish he would celebrate stuff WITH them for once.

We went to Mugsy McCeol's Pub for supper. It's a neat Celtic pub (for now) with a brewery right in the building so people can see what's going on (usually not much). It's been sold so the name will be Bull and Bear soon. LAME. Brian and Leanne met us and had supper with us. Brian almost made it through supper without sleeping :)

After the Pub we went to John and Krista's and played games for the rest of the night. Didnt even eat cake LOL. The Girls kicked guy butt in Cranium the ENGLISH Version (duurrgghhh Scott get English!) and then Guys kicked girl butt in Trivial Pursuit 90's ed. Apparently I know nothing! See I'm not tired at all!hehe

After we were too tired to move we went home and to bed. Talk about a long day!

Thursday Jan 25 2007

Deadline day! Ok this day IS all about me and my contest! LOL I have a layout and an altered "thing" to finish, I spent the whole evening night before waiting for paint and Mod Podge to dry so I could do more coats. And now it's all ready!

Scott left really early for NB for the day. Lots of driving for him. The kids went to School and I was ready to have Aleah for part of the day.
Happy Dance! Aleah wasnt coming! It's not that I didnt want to see her! I just had STUFF to do!

SO Annika and I spent the day together scrapping and crafting and she would bring me present after present after present and I opened them all. I got my pages done, then started working on my altered item.

And what happens when momma isnt watching closely enough? Annika had some scissors cutting paper, and she came over and said she "Used these scissors to cut circles and squares and snowmen and hats and her hair". I said WHAT??? What did you say??
She got that deer in the headlights look and said "Nuffin!" then she ran off crying, closed her bedroom door, and sat in front of it LOL. I finally got her to tell me where the hair was, and went and gathered it up, save for a page huh? I mean, it's done now! :(:(:(

Ann stopped by and brought me an early birthday present! She gave me a most awesome new Coffee Cup that sums up my position on dogs completely.

After School I took the kids skating at an outdoor rink in town. It was awesome. It was also cold. It was the first time they have ever skated outside! (at least that I can remember.) We skated outside all the time when we were kids. Even on puddles. The only thing I didnt like was that it was dismiss time for the highschool, so a lot of the highschool kids crossed the rink while going by. They would skid across on their sneakers, getting it dirty and getting in the way of the skaters. One boy even picked up Holly's hockey puck and put it in is pocket. I saw him, and I skated over and said "It would be really mean to steal a hockey puck from a Six Year Old." He dropped it back on the ground and all of his friends were really mean making fun of him...not for stealing the puck but for getting caught. Anyway it was loads of fun.

After we came home and I didnt really make supper, Scott was late, I wasnt hungry, and the kids had sandwiches. Their choice LOL. I finished my item and sent away the last of my contest entries. I'm glad it's over. We've turned this house upside down for this contest.

And after it was over all I could do was sit there and do nothing. I stared at the TV. I watched Grey's Anatomy. And I just totally did nothing.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Wednesday January 24th

I scrapbooked. All day. Almost LOL!
Gonna win gonna win gonna win...

The girls all went to school. Wednesday is the confusing day!
Annika gets picked up at 1130 and Aleah came at 11 I think lol. Scott was around a lot of the day. After dinner Scott's mother picked up Annika and Aleah because Scott was supposed to be further away. LOL He didnt go. Weather I think. Holly and I went to her Power skating hour. That's a lot of fun even tho I dont really work with her but another little girl. lol little N is coming a long way! LOL Holly I can see from a distance, skating and stopping and doing cross overs and C cuts, it's cute!

She would not want to be called cute.

Scott picked up taylor and after Katelyn went home we went to Nanny's to get the little ones. We stayed for supper there too. Aleah and then Her Grampy joined us.

Scott had a rockin Idea for that "thing" I had to alter. So on the way home I stopped at the GCDS and got paint.
And I found the word there I was missing, LIVE.
We got home in time for kids to go to bed and I scrapped. More! LOL

Tuesday January 23rd 2007

OH my goodness can I remember Tuesday? All I did this week was scrap, scrap, and more scrap! LOL I dont think I can remember Tuesday.

Ok the kids went to school. Shocker. lol Scott went to Dartmouth I believe. Or somewhere City-ish. Ok Tuesday is coming back to me now.

I scrapbooked in the morning somewhat. I am in a contest. It's the last week. This is no time to blow it! LOL!

Annika played near by. She didnt watch much TV. And she was happy. Does that tell me something?? TV really is a crappy baby sitter. I would prefer that cheerful child nearby than a cranky one in front of TV.

She did puzzles. She played games. We took the dog in and out ten million times. She has a new coat which keeps her very very warm and she's happy in it. She gets terribly cold out there. She hasn't even much hair ;) Annika also spent half of the day bringing me presents. I think She is practicing for this Friday, my 34th Birthday. SO I opened many presents Tuesday. Usually the same things, usually things she really liked. :):):)

After Aleah went home and I picked up the girls at school, Taylor had Piano lessons and
the other girls made puzzles. I scrapbooked a bit. Yes more. I am on a roll! LOL

KAtelyn and her mom stayed for supper than we all went to rec skating. Katelyn is learning to skate and she and Annika used the skate support thing. But they did better without it, might be time to give it up. LOL YAY!

Annika takes little steps and doesnt fall a lot but when she does she REALLY does :)

Taylor is such a little mother hen she doesnt leave annika alone, luckily annika likes that.

Taylor practiced her spins and jumps a little. It's hard with all those people there!

Katelyn had a really good time. She is quite steady on her feet!

Holly wasnt so sociable. She's getting to be such a good skater!

After skating we went home and kids went to bed. I found Zoe Hiding somewhere. Yes, I scrapbooked some more. Gonna win that contest!

Monday January 22 2007

Seriously almost nothing happened LOL
Scott went to Newfoundland. And he actually GOT there! He was gome from 5 am til 11 pm.
I got kids to school (thanks Allison)
and got Annika off to preschool. I came home and scrapbooked until Aleah arrived, (I think lol) then we went and got Annika and went to the Mall and Walmart looking for something to Alter LOL then we went home then to get Taylor then we went to 2 Thrift stores looking for something to alter, nothing there either, then went back to school to get Holly and Katelyn, back to Walmart to get something else to alter don't laugh cause I did find something, went home and had supper, got the kids ready for bed, Taylor helped fold laundry for awhile and then they went to bed. Then I scrapbooked a little more! LOL
That was Monday. Not an interesting day at all.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sunday Chatter Jan 21

Sunday should be a restful day LOL But it seems to be my most busy house day! I had high hopes. A friend had invited me over to scrapbook and let the kids play awhile, and I thought that sounded fun. But I got up to learn that Scott had told the kids they could go to their grandmother's for awhile, and I had remembered Saturday that the kids had been invited to a swimming party Sunday afternoon, so the kids had to be back early. So I did nothing LOL Scott went and played Hockey, and I drank coffee. Oh yes and I also washed all the sheets and blankets off the bed, since we set up the Bed in the Bag. LOL BRrr it's not as warm as the old stuff! LOL Hmm rethinking this one. I hung them no the closeline; -15 is only a state of mind. Stuff will dry, right?? Scott came home and mucked around til it was time to go to the party.

Morgan and her sister MacKenzie were around a lot last summer but less this fall. Things get busy yada yada. But Birthdays are doing a really good job of bringing them together! LOL

So the swimming was awesome! The kids paddled around awhile, I got Holly a life jacket, and the water looked warm. Scott swam with them while I...Didnt! It was nice LOL
Taylor realised the diving board was open and spent a lot of time there :)

Annika wanted to jump off the pool but Scott kept telling her she didnt need him to catch her, and it took a while before she finally would jump off, then she was pretty happy to keep doing it!

Scott tried to convince holly to jump off the diving board and she really wasnt sure. She hopped back down and I wandered off and WOuldnt you know it...I missed her first jump off the diving board completely!

But I did get a photo of her second jump!

She's a good little swimmer and had a lot of fun with the life jacket making things so much easier!

Scott tried to get Annika to go off the diving board and I was ilke "She's 4 years old. Stop trying to get her to do that"! The next thing I knew she was on the board thinking about it...
And she jumped! And she did it so FUNNY! Her butt hit first almost every time!
After that all they did was jump in. LOL over and over and over. Then there was getting dressed, presents, cake, and Home! LOL

WE had little time before Skating.

Taylor got to work on her skills again. I need to find her a patch of ice to play on! She needs some more practice!

The rest of the night was bed! We changed our bed room around so that maybe I wont get woken by the neighbor starting his car at 6am every morning. No worries, the dog will take over waking me where the car might not. "sigh"