Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Funny Things Kids Say

Annika and I were weeding the flower gardens the other day and "hanging out" as she likes to call it, when she was telling me about school and asked me if she had any Ant Sisters. Ant sister. What on earth is an ant sister?

Trying to get a little context out of her, I ask her about the ant sisters and where she was talking about them. I mean, she has some ants in her room; she has a plastic ant; she watched an Ant movie.....

So she starts to tell me about how in school they gathered on the 'tapis' to talk about their ant sisters and where they came from and how many they had etc etc

And I got it. Ancestors.


Boo said...

{giggle} that is cute!!!

Cindye Wile said...

lol ... too cute. :)