Sunday mornings can be SO relaxing. Or at least they should be. The kids were away overnight, what could possibly disturb us?
The dog? Oh yes. Him.
The neighbor's car?? Ya that too. OK I am moving our bed elsewhere, the car next to my head has gotta go.
So we are wide awake by 8 am (after a late night and I am still sick...STILL!) and up and house-cleaning. Yup. No kids here, and I am vaccuuming. Sheeeeit. LOL so I spent too much time hoping to see the results of the voting on LIITD, knowing the voting hasnt even ended and its wayyyy tooo earlyy. BUt still I am checking early.
Scott had Hockey at 11. I thought we were going to go, but the kids didnt com ehome til 1130.

Nanny made Taylor another skating dress and a pair of skating pants. And she modelled them for us Extensively. They look quite nice :) Taylor isnt dramatic at all! She's going to love this skirt tho! LOL

Scott set up Holly's skating rink. lol She now understands what it's going to do. lol. Now if we get some cold, it might freeze! Scott I believe is actually excited about the idea of going out in the middle of the night to flood this thing. OH my goodness. Holly is beside herself waiting! LOL We need some COLD! It's supposed to be +7 again this week. I wonder what that is going to do to the ice. LOL

In the afternoon, the kids were allowed a rare painting session (Im shocked, Scott's not usually that patient and accomadating) and besides telling the kids how to do it and what they did wrong, it went fairly smoothly.
Scott forgot to get Taylor's skates from sharpening, so she missed Sunday Night Skating. He owes her an extra skating! :(:(:( Quiet night, everyone went to bed.
Neighbors can be a pain in the butt...I would likely trade you in a heartbeat. Trent is leaving on the you really want to come down sometime for a couple of days to scrap?????
I don't get it. Hockey players get all bundled up to go on the ice. Figure skaters are nearly nude. I just don't get it.
Hockey players sweat like pigs and they go stop go stop....Figure skaters strip off sweaters and pants, do 3 minutes on the ice, then get back into sweaters and pants. That's my theory.
Neighbors ARE a pain. We had so few in MB and before in Black Rock, it was awesome. I will be down sometime while T is away to scrap and likely have Annika along too....we'll see when! I thought he was gone already!
omgosh how cute is she in that dress SHE MADE THAT :O omgosh I wish I were so talented... I wanna see the rink when it freezes THAT is gonna be SOOOOOOO COOOL! YOU KNOW scott is gonna be out there on that thing tryin to play hocky!!! YOU MUST take photos! HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER I MISS YOU! FiNALLY got my hello working again had to completely reload it... Groooan! miss yas!
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