Scott went to NB this morning. Eventually. LOL He helped get the kids ready, all three, and off to school. Then he did some office work and had a shower and got ready to go.

He left and I had about 30 minutes before Aleah came. So I came here to the computer and started to sort some patterned paper out, looking for my Challenge pieces. I have too much paper. WAY too much paper.

Aleah arrived sleeping and would have stayed asleep and that would have been awesome...had I not had to go get Annika in about 20 minutes after Aleah arrived. So she slept til I got ready to go and then I bundled her into the car and she woke up and became kinda cranky (it was cold and snowing I dont blame her LOL).


On the way we discussed our afternoon plans. It was snowing so she decided she wanted to go gobogganning Lol. Our hill out back is perfect for Gobogganing. I told her if it didnt change to rain I would take her gobogganing. and if it rained I would take her skating. Which is what i had wanted to do anyway.

And wouldnt you know it, I looked out and it was raining. And it would have been SO nice to just walk out to the hill and go gobogganing. I prefer skating but you have to DRIVE there. Damn! lol. Annika squeals and says YAY we can go skating. No getting outta this one. I packed up the car with skates for us and a stoller and helmet for Aleah, Annika's skating support thingy, and mitts, hats, etc. And off we went.
Aleah's momma met us at the rink so she didnt have to come in and freeze. Convenient timing. I dragged my feet a little on the geting ready part cause it's an hour long skate and I knew Annika couldnt skate for an hour, but she'd wanna stay to the end, so getting there late was gooood. lol plus Aleah didnt have to come in, where although she would have been fine and had fun, she might have been cold and I didnt have to push the stroller around. Annika and I could have Time alone.

So skating was a huge Success! We killed some time before we had to go to school to get Taylor by playing on the rink video games (no money of course Mama doesnt do that) and then it was time to get Taylor from School. On Monday's Holly has After-School activities. It's raining hard and damp by this time and we get home to the nice warm house and I made tea and did some more paper organizing (in the few minutes we had).

So Back out into the rain to get Holly and her friend. When we landed back home I swore I wasnt going back out again. At all. And I didnt! The kids watched a movie and I did laundry and swept the basement a little.

Then it was time for supper, Scott made a lasagna for us to toss in the oven. Katelyn and Allison stayed for supper and brought Salad and Dessert...chocolate cupcakes. Allison helped pick some challenge papers with me, and the kids played. Past the time quite nicely. Then time for bed.

haha, so what did you do yesterday? You had some day girl and I have a sneaking suspicion that I may see some of that paper and perhaps a photo on some layout(s) in the next few days, yes, no?! Guess that I will have to wait and see! Have a good one!
i hate mondays too.
I LOVE that big sparkling smile you have while skating. Looked like an amazing Mom and Annika time.
Why must cats lay on our paper????? what is so nice for them. I agree with Alison...I love the pic of you and Annika skating.
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