LOL I can't believe it's already Jan 20. This month really is flying by!
No sleeping in here, no one seems to need to sleep in this house! SO we might as well be awake :)

Woke up to some snow flurries. Nothing exciting. Unfortunately the rink did not fare well in the rain of the night before. Not sure we can make anything of it :(:(:( Darned weather, it's so hard to make something like this work, with the temps at -20's then +6 the next day. The ice that's left is brittle and thin.
Quiet morning, the kids and I cleaned bedroom and Taylor helped me vaccuum, and they got their weekly allowance :) Too bad the rooms are not clean this morning lol not even close! LOL

Annika struggled with some hiccups for awhile, I suggested she hold her breath, which she did and it didnt she suggested she stand on her head for awhile HHAHAHA didnt work then she went to get a drink of water LOL and didnt mention them again LOL!
Holly had hockey at noon, and after they came home we all had lunch. I prefer waiting for them so that we can eat together :)
A Quiet afternoon, the kids played and watched a movie and I went shopping! I took Krista away and we hit Walmart and the Mall (arent we crazy and SPONTANEOUS??) LOL
I used a bunch of those walmart Cash Cards that I had been collecting (not sure why LOL) and got some stuff we wanted!

Trevor has sent us Cards for Christmas and I kinda saved the one from last year because I wasnt sure what we wanted but this year we had decided we wanted a Bed in a Bag and I picked one out yesterday :):) Now I am looking at paint chips! THANKS TREVOR!

I wanted pillows for the new couch, and Although I had something in mind, I saw these ones and now I have in a flash a completely different plan. I am thinking grey/green or seafoam or some barely green colour for the walls. maybe go right out there with a Turquoise LOL!

Holly needed smome long johns for under her hockey gear and I found some that were really cheap...then I found these ones that are actually really good...they are specifically sportswear, supposed to wick away sweat and be warm and antibicrobial and all that LOL She just wanted longer sleeves so her elbow pads didnt rub anymore LOL!

Poor Annika got a Webkinz for Christmas, a l'il Elephant she calls Peanut. but the Tag was lost before we put lil peanut online, so he is not adopted! LOL Annika cries about that at some point almost every day, so I bought her a new L'ilkinz. It's not like she meant to lose the tag. :( She's only 4! lol And yes I will do almost anything to stop her from crying so pitifully! Rather than another elephant tho, I got her the White Terrier. She loves it (I think I love it more, it's SO soft) and she called it Minky. I think she was actually saying Mingy but that was too hard to say LOL anyway Minky has joined her family! We put her right on and I confiscated the tag.

Taylor got some birthday presents she doesnt know about yet :):):) more than a month and I think I am dong buying for her! She got flash cards and a new neck strap for her tamagotchi.
Now I dont usually go out buying the kids stuff LOL BUt once you get something for one....and besides nothing was Really expensive LOL!

Just before bed Taylor tripped over her TOO long pajamas and fell DOWN the basement stairs! Scared the ever living CRAP outta me, as she slid right to the bottom! She cried and cried...the first thing she said was BROKE YOUR STEPS! There is a rail at the top of the stairs, and on her way down she grabbed one and broke it off...and carried it all the way to the bottom. Lucky she wasnt stabbed by it. She said "You worked so hard to build it and I broke it! I feel so BAD!!" OMG and that made ME feel so bad.

So I assured her Daddy could fix it in about 3 minutes (more like 20 but hey it was fixed in no time cause we had spares) and then we got to looking at her injuries...a little carpet burn on her ribs but I bet she is sore on Sunday! :(:(:(

The dogs are finally figuring out Tug of War. one or the other forgets to hold on tho!

Annika and her new friend playing online. Minky is actually sitting next to me now :):):)

And just a funny photo I took of Smythe today. Cracks me up :)
Oh my gosh, that would have scared me too. That sounds like she was pretty lucky.
Your kitty is so so cute. I want her.
OMG IM SO GLAD SHE IS OK! THat is so scary! Funny she took it all the way down with her. the dogs look like they are havin a blast and smythe is just too stinkin cute!!!
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