Tuesday dawned nice and early and sunny. And Cool. Still not cold. No snow in sight.
Allison picked up the kids and brought me a much covetted coffee. It was awesome to not have to take the kids to school. I worked on a layout and Annika coloured and drew pictures and watched a little TV til Aleah came around 11.

Aleah played with the dinosaur, a favorite toy here, and then the two of them played dress up.

Aleah loved it when I took photos of her with the clown hair on.

Right after Aleah was picked up Annika and I went to Walmart. I had to get Thread for this Layout I was working on. I also picked up a new trash can for the bathroom, and some big painting paper for the girls. Then it was perfect timing to pick up the kids from school...and I heard those words every parent loves to hear " Momma I need to PEEEEE" so off the pay for stuff and the 10 minutes in the bathroom while she checked out each stall and each sink made us about 10 minutes late picking up the kids at school.. Taylor was so annoyed!

Home again in time for Taylor's piano lessons. She has the new piano in her bedroom and Grampy is making her a bench to go along with her table for it. I think I might move it to the living room.

Another reson to love having the rec room more "usable": while Taylor had her piano lessons we could come downstairs and not disturb them. Annika and Holly did "art" instead of pestering.

Right after supper we rushed off to Rec skating. Now that Annika is a skater, (haha) there's no way we can leave her home! so all three kids were off to the rink with me! I think Holly prefers skating with her hockey gear on, it hurts less to fall!

Taylor and Annika had fun playing chase. Annika is getting really fast!

Home and Taylor did home work, Holly and Annika cleaned their room, and I sewed on paper. Yup layout is coming together. lOL All the kids went to sleep in their beds and around 9 I heard thes steps upstairs, Annika was standing in the hall staring at the wall. Sleepwalking? She's always talked in her sleep, why not walking. I brought her down and she slept on the couch while I finished what I was doing and went to bed.
1 comment:
What an awesome day you had!!!
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