January 2 was the last day of Christmas Break. Now I love Christmas break and March Break and Summer Break. I know the kids do sometimes get hard to deal with when you're not used to having them around but I still prefer them to be here! For one thing, I dont have to get up so early. And then there's the whole having them here. They are Fun! If they would not fight, we could really do loads of things together.
So Christmas Vacation is done. For the last day there were a few things we wanted to get done, like things put away, Christmas stuff, toy stuff, and rooms cleaned. Then I did let them just do as little as they felt. Taylor watched a lot of tv. Holly played a lot of games and Annika drew loads of pictures for us. I cleaned in the scrap room and other parts, And worked on some scrap stuff. I'm paper scrapping again and actually enjoying it! Sometimes it helps to get challenged and have a break end. Scott worked on his office and some other places. We didnt do much.
I took a few artsy photos for a challenge I am working on. And had them developed. I love having the computer in the basement. It's warm and cozy and everything is nicely together here. Now I just need to get this room completely clean. And stop tripping on things!

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