So I planned a quiet morning then Aleah was to come at 11. Scott was off to Halifax, and Annika was here all snuggly and warm :) She's loads of fun alone!
Aleah was sick and didnt come. OH if only they had called 1/2 hour earlier...I could have gone to Halifax with Scott, but I was here all day. So I did a lot of laundry and tidied in the rec room all day. Talk about fun.

Since it was so nice and quiet here most of the day I did some scrapbooking! YAY! It's been ages since I did anything that I was really pleased with so it was nice to work fairly freely and do something awesome! The pages go together and are too large for the table so I was working on the floor til about 1230. Didnt finish yet. It's a challenge for a new site Ive been hanging out at,Love is in the Details.

Scott has been banished from the rec room with his office. There's got to be more useful space in this house so we are working on finding it. Behind the rec room there was a door with a space. It's always been storage but never terribly clean because of the wood and stove and stuff. So Scott moved his computer and desk and alot of the paper work and samples to that area and built a wall for it. There's still a lot to be done but I hope very soon it can be His space and then we can stop complaining that he is messing up all this area here. His paperwork and extra stuff does so tend to be disorganised and it spreads a lot.

The layout looks awesome Terri Lynn and that bruise is huge!! OMG that must have hurt!
You need some floor to ceiling cabinets to hide your stuffs in. Then you still have all your stuffs but its out of sight. Your mom's craft room was looking really good when she installed her cabinets. And you could do cool shelves inside the separate your types of paper and little slidey boxes/drawers for stamps and inks and tools. A place for everything and everything in its place, isn't that the saying for how to be tidy? I have been working on that in our lives too. But not building walls..yet.
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