Sunday should be a restful day LOL But it seems to be my most busy house day! I had high hopes. A friend had invited me over to scrapbook and let the kids play awhile, and I thought that sounded fun. But I got up to learn that Scott had told the kids they could go to their grandmother's for awhile, and I had remembered Saturday that the kids had been invited to a swimming party Sunday afternoon, so the kids had to be back early. So I did nothing LOL Scott went and played Hockey, and I drank coffee. Oh yes and I also washed all the sheets and blankets off the bed, since we set up the Bed in the Bag. LOL BRrr it's not as warm as the old stuff! LOL Hmm rethinking this one. I hung them no the closeline; -15 is only a state of mind. Stuff will dry, right?? Scott came home and mucked around til it was time to go to the party.

Morgan and her sister MacKenzie were around a lot last summer but less this fall. Things get busy yada yada. But Birthdays are doing a really good job of bringing them together! LOL

So the swimming was awesome! The kids paddled around awhile, I got Holly a life jacket, and the water looked warm. Scott swam with them while I...Didnt! It was nice LOL
Taylor realised the diving board was open and spent a lot of time there :)

Annika wanted to jump off the pool but Scott kept telling her she didnt need him to catch her, and it took a while before she finally would jump off, then she was pretty happy to keep doing it!

Scott tried to convince holly to jump off the diving board and she really wasnt sure. She hopped back down and I wandered off and WOuldnt you know it...I missed her first jump off the diving board completely!

But I did get a photo of her second jump!

She's a good little swimmer and had a lot of fun with the life jacket making things so much easier!

Scott tried to get Annika to go off the diving board and I was ilke "She's 4 years old. Stop trying to get her to do that"! The next thing I knew she was on the board thinking about it...

And she jumped! And she did it so FUNNY! Her butt hit first almost every time!
After that all they did was jump in. LOL over and over and over. Then there was getting dressed, presents, cake, and Home! LOL
WE had little time before Skating.

Taylor got to work on her skills again. I need to find her a patch of ice to play on! She needs some more practice!
The rest of the night was bed! We changed our bed room around so that maybe I wont get woken by the neighbor starting his car at 6am every morning. No worries, the dog will take over waking me where the car might not. "sigh"
1 comment:
You just need a warm blankie between the comforter and sheet. Might I suggest something fleece or Vellux, or something wool? Lismore Sheep Farm has wool blankets from Macauslan's in PEI.
OOORRRR, a wooly mattress pad.
When we lived in St Margaret's Bay our house was soooo cold (how cold was it?)...sooo cold that we had sheets, blankets, comforter, aaaaannnd sleeping bag. And were still cold in flannel jammies. The cat even came under the blankets at night. The furnace never bloody well shut off at night and there was zippo for insulation in the walls.
And when I was a teen at home..quilts, blankets, sheets, sweat pants, flannel nighty, sweatshirt, socks, and a hot water bottle. There was ice on my bedroom windows and I had a wee electric heater so I could do my homework in my room (mom and Dad's room now)because to turn the heat up was out of the question.
You don't KNOW cold, Baby!!;o)
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