A busy busy day again! :) Scott still away, thank goodness Allison picked up the kids again and brought me my life blood, the Timmie's cup. :) That always starts my day so much better! :)
Annika was off to preschool and although I was expecting Aleah earlier, she didnt come until just before lunch, after I had picked Annika up from preschool. I handed them both right over to Nanny, and headed off to the Glengarry for my birthday girls lunch! And because it's my birthday month, I ate free! And best of all, JANET met me there! She had to take a little time off to do so, and Im so glad for it! :):)
After a nice dinner we did a little shopping and then she had to go home and I had to reclaim my kidlets.
Wednesday Taylor has after school activities so I picked up Holly, dropped off Aleah to her mama, and then scrapped a little before going out to get Taylor.
So through it all I didnt have a camera. SHEESH what was I thinking? I forgot everything!
Scott came home for supper. I was feeling very very nauseous so I had a nap and he put the kids to bed. I worked on my page a little bit before heading to bed early, Scott had a hockey game and I had peace.
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