After the fun run we left right away to go to Grammy's house, where we helped with her yard work. The large lot needs a lot of raking and cleaning, and we got a good start on the raking. Flower beds need some attention as well :) Next time I am thinking.

Did this Saturday night. Went to visit Vicky and Cullen after it got dark. After a restless sleep Sat night thanks to the dogs and the Pheasants screeching in the back yard, we tumbled out of bed early Sunday and went back at it. Need to get the raking done before the grass gets too high and makes raking harder.

Annika and Shelley on Sunny Sunday morning, on the deck enjoying some grapes for a snack.

In the afternoon Cullen brought his parents to visit at Grammy's house. The girls were really happy to see him there. They flocked inside to hold him after he had a snack :)

Annika was like let me hold him. Ok Im done now. HAHAHAHAHHAA

Back outside, hilarious Shelley was everywhere working very hard.

Thank goodness Trent came out, because Grammy needed her washer drain dug up, and no one knew where it was. Trent knew where it was and they dug it up, got it running, and the basement will stop flooding. :) Taking a little refreshment break lol over all that heavy digging.

Grammy and Cullen on the swing

And the finale was waiting til after 5 and burning this pile of tree crap lol it was a huge pile. we kept putting crap on it until we had cleaned up all the piles. There is only a little bit of raking left and to be honest I dont think in the past 5 years we have ever gotten to it hahahahaha So Im not going to knock myself out raking the back corner of the yard.
Flower beds next!
We didnt make it home Sunday night, rather stayed and left MOnday morning and got the kids to school only slightly late.
A good working weekend.
Looks like it was a fun weekend. You got a lot done.
Love your pics.
Looks like a fun weekend.. So glad to see that the leaning on the post with a beer in there hand stance is not limited to this country!!!
Next time you come down we will have to do something so you can get away from yard work for a bit, lol!
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