The Douglas Street School led by parents created a running club. It would be nice to continue this running club past the youth run, time will tell.

Saturday Morning came sunny and warm :) yahoo I might have skipped it had it been raining Im so tired of being cold! hahahha
Parking at the TACC grounds was madness so Scott dropped us off and went to park down the road. We Checked in and got the Tshirts for the kiddies :)

The three Moosekittens. At school these three little ones are inseparable. their teacher calls them les trois Mousketiers, which Annika translated into the three moosekittens. LOL
The little ones were doing the Kiddie Kilometer which only really runs around the track once or twice or how many times, so Scott stayed with them and they ran with the Carreaus.

Sarah and Emily waited with us and would have run with us had they not gotten so far ahead that they missed the turn onto the road lololol

The crowd warming up. there was likely a thousand people there :)

Afterwards, there were prizes and the bouncy house. There were some snacks and games. well I thinkn the games meant bouncy houses with long long line ups. lol

fun Run a success! I think my kiddies are going to be doing lots more running!!
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