Anyone who likes hockey should be aware that the International Hockey Championships are being played right now, in Canada for the first time! lol It is usually done in Europe :)
And a great deal of this is being played n Halifax, just a hop and a skip from where I live :)
AND thanks to a good friend, We have had the chance to go see games being played! Really good hockey!
On Friday we picked Holly up from school without telling her what we were doing, and we drove off to Halifax.

We have not gotten to see Canada play but we on Friday we saw Finland and Latvia! The Latvia fans are amazing!

They have come a really long way, and in large numbers, and they chant and dance and have costumes and drums...but the Finland fans are pretty neat too, again costumes and stuff, and totally huge numbers.

Holly on the drive down. She hadnt a clue where we were going but was making many guesses and could not imagine why her sisters were not with us. (they arent hockey fans...)

We had to park a long way from the Metro Center, glad it was a nice day :) Holly got tired and wasnt very fast so she got the ride on Daddy's Shoulders.

Now she has figured out where we are, and she's very excited! Scott is explaining some of what they are watching to her.

Game; White players are Finland and the Red are Latvia.

The look of concentration is real; Holly loves to watch hockey, although her favorite part is the fights, and there were none of those. She askes such intelligent questions and remembers everything!

During an intermission while we were wandering around this fellow saw me aiming up for a photo and he came running over and crouched behhind her...she didnt know he was there at first HAHAHAHAH it was so cute :)

Scott bought some souveniers and we model them. I merely mentioned that the scarf was nice, not that I wanted it SIGH. It hangs above the bed.

The final score, Im not sure the shots on net are accurate because I kept watching for the numbers to go up and they never seemed to move. I think the fellow was asleep at the button SIGH.

Raising the flag, singing the anthem.
And the game was over :) We hoped for overtime but it didnt happen.

after a nice walk back to the parkade and 6 floors of stairs Holly and I spent a few minutes looking off the top floor of the garage. What a view of Halifax Harbour.

And the wondergul Hollis Street ;)
Fast Forward to Monday when we had an unexpected Opportunity to go to another game, this time USA vs Norway. It was a much different game, not even a close score and different children sitting with us ;)
we had to find places for all the kids since Scott's mother could not pick them up this time. Why not?? Nanny and Grampy had their own tickets to the game, the game after ours featuring Canada and Finland (both undefeated) and they were in the Skybox. LOL nice to have friends :) we would be seeing no hockey without friends ;)
So with our tickets we took Annika and Taylor, the Non-Hockey kids. lol Scott's parents picked Holly up from school in the afternoon and as I type they are sitting in the Skybox at the Canada v Finland game, with the Prime Minister of Canada and the Premier of Nova Scotia sitting in the arena. LOL nice eh? its a good game too, although the score isnt close; Canada is kicking BUTT! hahahaha Its on TSN.

Annika all full of smiles on the MacDonald Bridge (I think I can never remember)

Taylor on the bridge pleased to be away from school and on a road trip with mom and dad

Concentrating on driving

And oh look I was there too :)

Now in the arena, Scott dropped us off and we went to our seats while Scott parked and walked up. he suffers so....

Taylor loved the crowd and the music, she watched the game and asked lots of questions about what was going on.

Red - Norway, White - USA

Still having Fun

Chewing nails....getting a little bored although still watching the game. Annika did get bored, got herself a flag, and danced on the stairs for awhile. lol She watched attentively for a long time, gotta give her credit she was more interested than I expected :)

Final Score, 9-1 for USA. it wasnt much of a game. :(

National Anthem, raising Flag.

again at the top of the parkade, checking out the view; the kids loved it and think Halifax is so beautiful lol.

Loving this hockey Tournament!
1 comment:
how beautiful are your girls Teri, and look like they have so much fun!!!!xoxo
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