The first was Annika's class walk to the park. Victoria Park isnt too far from their school, and the walk was very nice, warm, sunny, kids all being so cute.

Once they were in the park they played for a few minutes and then had their snack.

At this point we had figured out that the park was MUCH colder than the walk to the park. Its long and narrow between 2 big hills which funnels the wind and it was COLD! Annika left her coat at the school and Im annoyed that she was even allowed to do that, wasnt anyone paying attention? I caught up to the class later and couldnt go back for her coat.

then we walked to the falls or what their teacher called an Acadian Well. Um news to me but ok, it was an awesome walk.

Then a bus returned us to the school and I took Annika home early and she spent the rest of the afternoon playing with Sage.
The next day was the class trip with Taylor's class to the Shubie Wildlife park for a Wetlands tour. This was really cool despite the fact that the park was set to open the VERY NEXT DAY so we were not allowed to go see the animals, which made Madame Very upset because they would have rebooked it had she known they would not be allowed to tour the rest of the park after the Wetlands display.
There are Peacocks walking free all over the park. they totally come really close everywhere we went.

Our group first got to play wetlands games and ID some items common in wetlands such as a mushroom fungus and a beaver tail lol
they then toured through the Ducks Unlimited wetlands display and then went through a small part of the park on their way to the pond.
taylor took some photos then the camera battery died SIGH so I dont yet have photos of the rest of the day...I hope to be sent a few!

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