The day after, when everyone had survived the storm and gotten their power back, we had the second installment of Annika's birthday party, the Family and Friends segment. lol
Friends and cousins and Nanny and Grampy came to see Annika the day after her birthday, for some cake and icr cream. they played outside for the longest time, playing road hockey and then in the back yard.

Opening some very nice thoughtful gifts :)

Now Annika IS the present, she climbed right inside this big bag!

Blowing out the candles again :)

Helping to cut up the cake...

The birthday Crowd!
Looks it was an awesome birthday... Lots of presents... FUN FUN FUN!!!
Looks like a blast for the kiddies..tho I don't think it would be very fun for you. I don't think it would be fun for are you getting pics to post anyway???? I can't seem to right now.
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