Where did the years go? It seems like just yesterday, we were celebrating 5 years married and were just days away from having Annika join us, and now she is 5 years old! I think of all the dates so far, that one has been the hardest, my BABY is now a 5 year old. NO matter that she is already in school all day, no matter that nothing has changed, she is 5 now! UGH!

on Friday (day before the birthday) Annika was sick and home from school but went shopping with Grammy and got this PINK WIG along with some other toys and absolutely nothing clothing or un-fun. hmmmm.

And here is the borthday girl on her Birthday morning! She was SO tired, they had guests the night before and no one slept too terribly well LOL!
She was trying so hard not to smile :)

Not so cranky looking

Annika has some issues with change. She doesnt like it. This birthday was far better than last year, she cried for days before and half of her birthday, about not wanting to change ages. She LIKED being 3 last year. She LOVED being 4 this year. And had no intention of being 5. Ever. LOL She is accepting inevitable, that we DO get older every year and we might as well celebrate it. But She does not have to be happy about it. Luckily she got out of this Funk and enjoyed the rest of her birthday!
Annika is a gorgeous name that goes with the gorgeous girl. She does have a sad face on the last pic. :o( Poor thing.
Ha!! Wait until she hits 40...ROFL
The onbly birthdays she may like are 16 and 19...the rest she may be upset every year,LOL!!!!
Well Happy Belated Birthday to Annika!
Happy Birthday Annika... 5 Is going to be so much fun sweety... Enjoy it while you can.
Happy belated birthday to your baby! I have to say I just love that wig on her! So cute even if she's not smiling! Growing older isn't easy for anyone to accept. Hope she is liking being 5 by now.
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