We prefer hunting up our pumpkins, rather than picking them ready made out of the stores. :) We always find some time before Halloween to go get some Fresh from the Field Pumpkins! :)
The patch isnt too far from our house and this year Annika was sick and didnt get to go so Taylor, Holly, and Katelyn all went and hunted their pumpkins!

the kids had to scour the entire field to find just the right pumpkins!

They were a little picky this year, not minding green but really wanting pumpkins that were big and round and not too dirty (priorities!).

Taylor picked one out for Annika :)

Holly found one so large she could not lift it!

Katelyn searched high and low for her prize pumpkin :)

Trying very hard to carry them :)

Annika's pumpkin back at the car :)

Cooperation got the pumpkins back faster! They rolled them alll the way from the other end of the field !

Resting with their quarry!

This long drawn out process turned into 3 days pf pumpkins. MMONDAY we hunted. TUESDAY, we cleaned!

And cleaned and cleaned and cleaned.

Scott opened up all the pumpkins and the kids cleaned out the insides.

they were so disgusted with the guts!

Nasty little pumpkin insides :)

After the kids drew on faces and supervised, Scott carved their faces on WEDNESDAY! Annika's pumpkin was little and very orange with a huge smile!

Holly's had a big smile!

Putting in and lighting the candles isnt easy in wind! Wait til mama does it later lol!

Taylor's pumpkin has a tongue sticking out lol!

and Katelyn's had a big grin.
They are on the steps ready to greet trick or treaters!
My kids just are not into the whole pumpkin thing...bummer!
We get them, tiny ones, but we don't carve, they just sit, forlornly, on the stairs.
Looks like fun.. I cant believe they could pick up those pumpkins.. Looked great finished too..
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