What busy days we have been having! First things First! THE BOWS ARE DONE THE BOWS ARE DONE! YAY!!!! I am so glad although i dont mind doing them, that they are done, now I will have time to clean my house and do more stamping! LOL

The boxes are all filled and folded up and stacked waiting to be picked up! I cannot wait to have my living room back, I am putting the keyboard on the table I was bowing on, and Taylor can play it when she wants. She's good at practicing but I think she will do more if the keyboard is always out :)

Aleah investigated the last box before I filled it up. She had lots of fun playing in there.

Holly's hair issue has been solved without the need for timely elastics and pony tails! Uncle George brought her home an Under Armour Skull Cap, to hold her hair nicely out of the way :)

On Friday Taylor brought a friend home from school to spend the night. They played in the afternoon with Holly and Annika and Koriya from across the street, and then Holly went to Hockey, Koriya went home, and Taylor and her friend went to Gems. After Hockey I took Holly for a sleepover at her friend Katelyn's. Katelyn's momma and I happen to be friends so I prepared to stay for awhile. We planned to stamp after the kids were settled.

After a look around their MASSIVE house, we settled in to make some Pizza. The kids had a good messy time making up their meals.

Alilson and I made Pizza's too. Mine was the best one, it could only be described as having EVERYTHING SHE HAD on it :) Theirs were all meat. What's up with that??

And the Pizzas are done and ready to be baked up! Notice the initials on them? Inventive huh?

Time now to eat up the pizza and have a real treat...pop!
After food the kids played for awhile and we got into something a little nicer to drink than orange pop...Mudslides. NICE :)

Then it was craft time. We planned to stamp, while the girls did their little crafts, but there was a lot of mommy help needed, and we did that instead :)

The girls made such cute little ornaments and necklaces for Christmas! We got no stamping done at all but had fun helping these little crafty people! See their cute little jammies? LOL
After this the camera seems to have been forgotten. LOL There was more playing, then bed. Holly got shy and weepy, and I promised her I would stay. And I did. she went to sleep eventually with my keys, and in the early morning she came into where I was sleeping to join me.
We came home this morning tired lol and have had a very quiet Saturday.
Taylor went home with her friend and they went to their cottage for the night.
Holly is gone to a hockey game with her grand parents.
Annika is going with Scott to get some milk and dessert.
And I am going to go down to my little teeny craft room, and get some cards ready for a party tomorrow. YAY!
Woo hoo! Congrats on getting the bows done. Now you can PLAY!
it's nice to see a picture of you and that is ONE MASSIVE BOX OF BOWS!!!!! those pizzas look good. i had peanuts for "supper"...I could enjoy a pizza right now! LOL!
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