It is with a bittersweet happiness I announce little ANNIKA has turned Four today. How did my youngest, my tiny baby, become a four year old girl?? She's not a baby, not even a toddler any more! She's a little girl! OH MAN I cannot believe how fast time has gone! Where is it all going??
OK back to the birthday LOL
Annika has been crying for WEEKS! She doesnt want to be four! She wants to stay three. :( I feel bad since it is inevitable, and I have been concentrating on the good things that come from having a birthday like the party and cake and stuff :) I sure hope she gets happy about that :)

She went to sleep last night, on my lap where she barely fits anymore, as a sweet little three year old.

And she woke this morning, the saddest little four year old you ever saw!

No Amount of teasing and joking could make this sad little thing laugh...I start reminding her about all the fun, since her birthday is going to be spread over like 2 days, that always spreads out the fun...but no, no smiles

Until I promised to let her pick out her very own special present when we went to the city today. Then she let me photograph one very small, sad smile :)
Well a phone call later, we arent going to be going to the city this morning, but whe we pulled out the presents, Smiles reappeared!

Her little eyes lit up with the gifts we had for her (and were saving for tonight when her sisters were home but oh well we will do anything to make her happy about her birthday!

She's been asking for a new Cup since last November when Holly got her Strawberry Shortcake one, and sure enough a new Dora Cup appeared...

Momma helped her get into her new Spirograph which is not very much like the ones we had when we were kids...but she is going to love it!
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