I joined a swap. I swore off swaps ages ago. I said I would not do any more because I might as well not waste the paper to get back things I would never make. This was after a bad experience of receiving items my KIDS would be embarassed to claim. There's no point in making tonnes of awesome stuff to get back really bad stuff. Anyway :) I saw someone else's swaps from a small group who swaps often and I wanted to be part of it :) SO I joined a 6" page swap featuring Christmas and Winter.
I left it to the last minute of course. Although I dont think it is late yet, I didnt do it til today. I had NO ideas and no inspirations. This morning out of desparation I did get an idea, a modification of something I had been thinking of before. And I worked on it all day. I looked after Annika, I looked after Aleah, I had card making Company, I brought spare kids home from school, and I worked on scrap pages all day! And I liked it again! The day Flew by!
Ok so you would have laughed I am sure. I formulated a plan and the pages required many many many pieces of different papers and sizes. I prepared all these pieces, and had them all in little piles...it occurred to me that Keeping them together was going to be a problem.

I was in the kitchen (scrap room too messy to work in) and I went to the cupboard and pulled out these cute little dessert dishes, and I put all of my "ingredients" into them. then I just pulled the ingredients from the bowls, and made the pages! YAY! Problem Solved!

The resulting page set is pretty much my style. It's a little bit graphic, a little bit shabby, and a whole lot monochromatic. The silver cardstock takes on the colour of the Navy really nicely and the sparkly embossed snowflakes just grab your attention! Now I need to make labels, bag them, and mail them off, as soon as possible. Sometimes that is the hardest part!!!
1 comment:
I LOVE splarkley thisngs..just loooove dem splarkles. Splarkle splarkle splarkle....
I have a new favorite word!
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