A Whole Week of Non Blog
Well it truely was not my intention to not blog all week. I suppose its just been busy LOL. NOw I cannot even remember Monday which is kinda why I had to blog every day. to remember the whole day.
The kids went to VBS at our church all week. Not quite the fan fare that we saw at the other church they went to, but they did say they liked it better. Maybe because they had friends there, maybe because it was a smaller crowd, I'm not sure but it was a success.
Tuesday was spent around home, doing not much. There was more bike riding, more pool, and more house cleaning LOL. Soccer was Good :0 I was dressed and ready for a little party we were going to, and the other coach decided we should take on the whole team in a Scrimmage HAHAH SO therefore I was rather sweaty and ragged by the end of it all
At the party for some friends who were home visiting from Alberta, the kid played from the second we got there til we dragged them home. There were 5 couples and 12 kids there. They rode bikes and chased a loose calf, watched another calf being born (and I'm sad to say Holly was terrified of the blood and cried the whole time Imagine a veterinarian with a child scared of a very normal calving!) Then we had some chinese food and drinks, and the kids had sparklers. I hope next year the kids all remember the ones who are from away, they got to be very good friends that night!
Holly and LaurenAnnika and her sparkler before she burnt herself on it.
So we got home very late that night and the next morning the kids overslept a little for VBS. When we got there Annika didnt want to stay so she came to Halifax with me and Daddy, while the other 2 were picked up by Nanny and spent the day there.
We did some shopping while Daddy worked, and then went to the Halifax Public Gardens
while waiting some more. Annika was convinced she could catch the birds, the ducks, pigeons, and starlings were very tame but not THAT tame 
It really was a nice day
The kids came home and flew kites and rode their bikes before we went off to baseball where we arrived on time and had a good game.
Well it truely was not my intention to not blog all week. I suppose its just been busy LOL. NOw I cannot even remember Monday which is kinda why I had to blog every day. to remember the whole day.
The kids went to VBS at our church all week. Not quite the fan fare that we saw at the other church they went to, but they did say they liked it better. Maybe because they had friends there, maybe because it was a smaller crowd, I'm not sure but it was a success.
Tuesday was spent around home, doing not much. There was more bike riding, more pool, and more house cleaning LOL. Soccer was Good :0 I was dressed and ready for a little party we were going to, and the other coach decided we should take on the whole team in a Scrimmage HAHAH SO therefore I was rather sweaty and ragged by the end of it all
At the party for some friends who were home visiting from Alberta, the kid played from the second we got there til we dragged them home. There were 5 couples and 12 kids there. They rode bikes and chased a loose calf, watched another calf being born (and I'm sad to say Holly was terrified of the blood and cried the whole time Imagine a veterinarian with a child scared of a very normal calving!) Then we had some chinese food and drinks, and the kids had sparklers. I hope next year the kids all remember the ones who are from away, they got to be very good friends that night!

Holly and LaurenAnnika and her sparkler before she burnt herself on it.

So we got home very late that night and the next morning the kids overslept a little for VBS. When we got there Annika didnt want to stay so she came to Halifax with me and Daddy, while the other 2 were picked up by Nanny and spent the day there.
We did some shopping while Daddy worked, and then went to the Halifax Public Gardens

It really was a nice day

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