Yay it is Friday! Scott was away most of the week so he stayed near by for Friday! It must be wonderful tho, to be able to come and go as one likes. He comes in and says "I'm running out to here or there ALL the time, and I never have that freedom, I have to make sure there is someone for the kids (even if it's him, I always ask) and I usually end up dragging one or more with me
So it's Friday morning and we dont really have anywhere to be. There are a few things I need to get done, like take some books back to the library, and get the wash done, but nothing too pressing.
Scott comes in "I have to run out for milk". Off he goes and returns with the much needed coffee. We eat cereal. Scott comes in "I have to go get gas". He wants to mow the lawn before it rains. He goes out and returns an hour later. With gas and pool stuff and a bunch of stuff he needed from Canadian Tire. Now if I had known he was going there,I had about 4 things I needed to get. But he just goes when and where he wants. Now I am going to have to go and drag all the kids along too. "sigh" What did I do while he was gone?? Dishes, laundry, swept floors, and picked up in bedrooms.
"Sigh" sometimes its easier if he's just gone to work.
So he mows the lawn and Annika and I deadheaded some of the Petunias. I hate deadheading. I really thing Petunias are one of the easiest and better looking of the flowers we can hang around here, but I hate to deadhead them. I get sticky, hurt my finger nails, etc. But we deadhead all the same.

While Scott finished the lawn Annika and I wandered around pulling some weeds and looking at some of the plants. We got some Sunflowers to grow this year! Usually they are dead by now, but this year we got quite a few to grow. We planted some fancy ones and only one grew, but our tall ones got tall! Thinkin about 8 feet.

PLaying with my little camera and I have realised that the aim is SO totally off. I cant get anything in the middle unless I aim for it to NOT be in the middle...it's really bad when taking photos up close. Thank goodness I have my big fancy camera LOL Im having an awful time with the little one.
Was the best I could get.

So after the lawn was done (nothing was put back yet) we went to do some errands, Taylor won a draw at the Library again so we picked up her prize while dropping off books, she got a book, a book of postcards, and a Travelling Pants zipper pull which she GAVE TO ME!

We went to Scott's mother's to get some shelves and a cupboard for my scrap room, and the kids played with their cousins.

We stopped to visit Aleah for a minute then headed home for supper, and the kids went out to play while scott was off umpiring again.
The kids have enjoyed playing with Cassidy and her collection of friends

They swam in our pool while I was finishing cleaning up the yard after the lawn mowing replacing BBQ and things like that, and then I cleaned the pool (they stir up all the floaties

For some reason they went to bed really late. Annika went to sleep by herself in her bed (it was not pretty) but she did it, and Holly and Annika both ended up in our bed overnight so again, little sleep was achieved.
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