Monday Blues
NOT my favorite day of the week. In fact Monday is my least favorite day of the week. I'm usually tired from the weekend and there's a whole week to be gotten through. Scott has someone from a supplier company traveling with him this week which means he's going to be gone more than usual.
Which the way he's been fighting with the kids is a good thing. Monday is our 4rth rainy day in a row. The kids are so tired of being inside, they went out and played. In the rain. I remember doing that, it was loads of fun! What a mess they made
Laundry Day! At least I had a reason to get outta bed. Although the kids really made me want to climb back in! I mean LOL when there was no Dad to fight with they fought with each other! And demanded an awful lot from me, such as "take us to the Library" and when I explained the library is CLOSED on Monday's they had temper tantrums. What is up with all that??? I dont Control the Library! I dont even control my house!
Baseball was cancelled for Monday night for the rain. When I was a kid, we played ball in the rain
So I cleaned my scrap room some more. I think I am almost done. At least for the cleaning and finding the floor part. The organising is going to be an ongoing forever and ever thing, ya? LOL But it is an improvement over what it was and I can now get in there and do stuff!
The Room:
The table showing scrapping evidence.
My 12X12 Paper Storage:
My Stamps and Card Paper:
My Retired Stamps and others:
Miscellaneous and tonnes of embellishments:
Now it will be obvious when I make wonderful changes! And I did 2 pages! To be shared when I can
NOT my favorite day of the week. In fact Monday is my least favorite day of the week. I'm usually tired from the weekend and there's a whole week to be gotten through. Scott has someone from a supplier company traveling with him this week which means he's going to be gone more than usual.
Which the way he's been fighting with the kids is a good thing. Monday is our 4rth rainy day in a row. The kids are so tired of being inside, they went out and played. In the rain. I remember doing that, it was loads of fun! What a mess they made
Laundry Day! At least I had a reason to get outta bed. Although the kids really made me want to climb back in! I mean LOL when there was no Dad to fight with they fought with each other! And demanded an awful lot from me, such as "take us to the Library" and when I explained the library is CLOSED on Monday's they had temper tantrums. What is up with all that??? I dont Control the Library! I dont even control my house!
Baseball was cancelled for Monday night for the rain. When I was a kid, we played ball in the rain
So I cleaned my scrap room some more. I think I am almost done. At least for the cleaning and finding the floor part. The organising is going to be an ongoing forever and ever thing, ya? LOL But it is an improvement over what it was and I can now get in there and do stuff!

Now it will be obvious when I make wonderful changes! And I did 2 pages! To be shared when I can
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