So I decided I was going to make a pair of socks. And no it wasnt that hard. Of course I made the world's easiest socks, but still, one has to start somewhere. they werent hard. they were a little "boring" on the long parts but it is entertaining to see these self-patterning yarns make up a neat pattern and a little suspence "what colour is going to come out next? how exciting!" ahaha
And I finished the first sock on Saturday night; the second one Monday night and I have them wearable now! lol
I really actually wanted a dark pair but Scott talked me into these navy;light blue;grey;little bit of black ones. They are pretty but not as dark as I had wanted them ;) Guess that means I am going to have to make another pair lol!
Picked the sock yarn up at Margolians :)
Sock 1
Now I know what SSK mean and I even grafted the toes :)
Ive already picked up some yarn for Scott's socks.
WOW ... those are awesome ... I love them. Hmmmmm, now I want to make socks and I can't knit at all. lol
Hey there, those are great looking socks. I love the colors too.
Holy Shit you tricky little witch!!!! Hahahahahaha You got me big time. I wondered why you asked me about ssk but bought your story hook line and sinker!!!
I am so proud of you I could bust. Now I guess I won't feel guilty about keeping the socks I casted on over the weekend for Car kniiting. Socks are the BEST car kniiting...they fit in a purse and you get lots done on a trip. I casted on Sunday and turned the heel yesterday of sock the first. Also excellent waiting for kids at swim practice knitting...standing in line knitting...riding public transit knitting....
Did I mention I am crazy proud of you?
hey TL!!!
those are awesome socks--great job!
i have never tried to knit socks..I am stuck on intimidate me!
Heheheheh Al you just made making those socks SO worth it! hahah
thanks guys, the socks were super easy!!
Great socks! You're a super-fast knitter! Love the yarn you chose, too.
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