#1: The sleepy birthday girl went to sleep a 10 year old, and woke up an 11 year old. Almost. She's become aware of her birth "time" of 11:54 pm. She was listening to the radio to hear her name.

#2: Even tho Daddy wasnt around, the birthday girl had to open a present before school; what is the fun, and we cant wait, and besides she should have something to wear to school :)

#3: and its a shirt and a sweater! Cool ones :) perfect 11 year old girl ones :)

#4: Its supper time and soon that means cake time :) And what follows cake and dinner? Presents! lol

Ok not really birthday evidence but other people do live here. Holly had a little pre-supper nap and woke up thinking it was the next morning. She was really confused for awhile.

#5: Just a very happy 11 year old :)

#6: Some people being a little sneaky over there in the corner....there is something about being sneaky on a birthday....

#7: Nope, nothing going on over here! :)

#8: Balloons. No birthday should happen without balloons :)

Not evidence, just another cutie pie waiting for something to happen.

#9: The Cake. Chocolate and chocolate :) With 11 candles PLUS one for luck apparently Holly thought Taylor needs luck.

#10: Singing Happy Birthday!That is pretty concrete evidence of a birthday occurance.

#11: Cheesy Smiles required at all parties.

#12: Blowing out candles; three kids blowing didnt get all of these candles out! Evidence of boyfriends. Not named.

Just another cute little girlie photo to illustrate participants of the party :)

#12: Eating of Cake. Long standing birthday tradition being exhibited.

#13: Nanny is In Da House. A staple of birthday celebrations.

#14: Continuous cake eating. Indisputable evidence.

#15: Presents. The clincher is the opening of these colourful bags with "Something" inside.

#16: More Presents.

#17: Present Overload going on.

#18: Smiles

#19: Anticipation; one of the gifts was a Wii game :)

#20: Trying out a new gift: Boogie Superstar or something like that.

Singing better = singing louder. Must be the best/loudest singer.
Evidence shows a birthday happened here.
WOW! Eleven years old.She is just a few months older than Allyson.They grow so fast.It just seems like yesterday when they were babies.
Looks like it was a very special day .... love the pics you took. :)ANd that cake looks like it was very yummy.
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