School started today! Yay! Not. I miss summer! I love summer! lol I never want to see summer end :(:(:(
But it has ended. And I have to accept the inevitable. Sadly, this is the first time I have had some tinge of relief when they were gone to school and I didnt have to spend the entire day dealing with their issues. I will miss them as much as ever but I could use a day off.
Little A is now OFFICIALLY in school. Apparently her year of PrePrimary didnt really count ;) but she is in Primary at the french school now!
Holly has gone into grade 2 and has a brand new teacher! I look forward to seeing how it works out. My kids have been lucky and liked their teachers so far.
Taylor is in Grade 5 and is one of the BIG KIDS in her school, which sends grade 6 students to the junior high. WAY too early if you ask me!

The crew all ready to go! Hard to get this many kids ready in one bathroom and no space in it.

But I think they clean up really well :)

Im only slightly biased. The momma cant have a real vote.

LIttle cutey fresh face!

Way excited 2nd grader!

She is laughing because both of her sisters are hiding behind her back!

So Annika catches the bus at the end of the road! I walked her down and we waited for a couple of minutes while she posed for me.

She was way more excited about this bus ride than anything else about the day including seeing her best friends again! :)

And there goes the bus, taking my baby away! OMG she's in school!
So I was way too shocked to take a photo of her getting on the bus My DUH moment that I will correct tomorrow :):)

So back at the house the older girls are waiting to go to school; We drive them. Holly was checking her list again to make sure she had everything :)

And Taylor was seeing what she had for lunch SIGH priorities ;)

Taylor was so not happy about her hair; I didnt do it right! LOL she fussed and fussed about her bangs and asked over and over if they would fall back into place!

Walking up to the school from the car;

And there Taylor is running away. Mom doesnt go to School on the first day of Grade 5! Denial!

Holly's spot for her shoes and coat and bag :)

And pointing to her Star on the door :)

Sitting at her desk waiting for something to happen :):)
I really hope the kids have a good year and that things go smoothly at both schools! The older kids are expecting a move to a new building with 3 other schools mid year and I dont know how the changes will work into our schedules :)
Annika kinda still wants to go to the same school and I can only hope she will love her class so much she forgets where she wanted to go hahahaha
Here's to 2008-2009!!!
Lovely Pics with wonderful memories! I love it.
OMG THEY ARE SO GROWN. Taylor is blowing my mind terri SHE IS YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! just a smaller version of you! I cant get over howmuch she looks like you I mean she always has but wow.I still hve that other photo you mailed me on my refrigerator. Bella will talk to the 3 Giyulls all the time. (esp when she makes her grocery list)
I need to take a picture of her doing that to show you its way cute.
YOU NEED TO PUT BRICKS ON THEIR HEADS AND MAKE EM QUIT GROWIN UP YA HEAR ME. A was just born wasnt she!! I just cant get over Taylor.
im still just mouth on floor.
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