and I started here:

I had so much fun with this layout! But even when I was doing it, I knew I was not likely to keep scrapbooking like this. I got some magazines and I put it away for awhile, and eventually found my groove! I still shudder at the idea of cutting around photos lol I am all about square and rectangles. lOL

A recent digital layout I did

and a recent paper layout, where I kinda am now!!!
BOO for the challenge!
Those are great layouts Terri Lynn! hehe... when I think of how my style has changed it makes me giggle too ... nice to reflect sometimes. How are you these days? Back to work yet?
Hey Marjorie :)
Its shocking how we change the look of our scrapbooking SO much! lol
We are pretty busy these days; the kids in school and Im back to work, yup :) doing 2.5 courses this year and its actually pretty fun :):):)
Thanks for playing T-L! I know what you mean about cutting the photos. I don't do that anymore.
Great LOs all around! I've never tried digital scrapbooking... I don't think I ever will either. I really like to cut and paste pp. LOL
wow I can't believe those pages dear, you looked so cute with your big belly lol your blog looks fabulous!
I love your digi page and I too shudder at the thought of cutting around my pics back in the day.
I think I would like to give digi scrapping a go...should find me some free downloads and see if I can play around...might be nice to do dabble in a bit.
LOL.........My style isn't even close to what it was when I first started. I love the look on your DD's face in the Melancholy layout. It is precious.
OH I LOVEEEEEE your newest additions girl you go ahead on!!
ughmm I refuse to put some of my ughmm older ughmm beginner ughmm pages... nugh ugh.
Miss talkin to youuuu! IT has been a while. HUGS
Great layouts .. amazing how much things change isn't it? :)
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