On February 25, my friend Diane gave birth to her miracle little girl. She wasnt supposed to be able to get pregnant but she did. She was high risk to carry the baby, and she did. There were concerns about it's health while she was pregnant, and the tests eventually came back positively. So on the 25th, Diane had a beautiful baby GIRL. (Oh and it was supposed to be a boy).
Charley June is a little sister for Big Brother Cole and their barely-older-than-Charley foster sister. Poor Diane really has her hands full with that crew now! She's the best momma ever!

Then on March 22, my SIL had her little boy, my nephew Carl Cullen!! Again this wasnt exactly an easy event, after a loss and some trouble getting pregnant again, my brother Trent and his wife Vicky had the little fellow!
After a fairly long labour little Cullen was born with the help of some forceps (Poor mom ugh) and Grammy and I were there to welcome him! :) Trent was the proud papa and Vicky was exausted and happy :)

I had no idea how much I would love this little fellow, named for his Grampy Carl and looking so much like his Grammy lololol
Im so HAPPY to get to spend time with these babies :)
AWE!!! They are a couple of cuties!!! Great Pics.
They are adorable!!!!
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