When we pulled open the curtains this was our totally cool view :) It was private and pretty at the same time. We were on the third floor of Matanzas, and it was right where the palm trees had alll the leaves. lol

When we stepped onto the balcony, This was the view to the left, of the shared balcony and the beach beyond it. :)

A palm tree with coconuts...these fall all over the place and then someone picks them up, cuts them open, and sells them to tourists with some rum in the coconut milk. Tastey, but who knows that coconut is a nice natural laxitive? We skipped that particular treat, as tempting as it was. Besides, at an all-inclusive resort, where drinks are free all day, who wants to pay for the priviledge of drinking the rum out of warm coconut milk? HAHAHAHA

On the stairs to our room...AMAZING flowers were everywhere, so pretty and what a nice way to start a day!
We went to the lobby, and it was totally amazing. Greenery everywhere, statues, so much to see!!! The bar is always open, and this is where we got our

The lobby

We took our coffee to the beach that morning and a few others lol. I liked the beach very much in the morning, even before they had come and raked up the eel grass, before all the people were crawling around, while it was super quiet and peaceful :)The beach to the right...

Under the palapa; there is a lot of competition for these things, as they do provide some shade when you need it. We tended to go early every day and put some stuff around one so that we could have it for the day :) We didnt stay at the beach ALL day, we moved to the pool later :) hehehehehe

While we were out they straighted our room and left us some swans Lol Sarah and Brian wanted to change rooms and ended up changing buildings wayyyyyy over to the other side of the resort, to Holquin. lol I hope the view was better lOL!

the view of our building from the beach, our room balcony is top left, the one slightly in front of it is the shared balcony.

A walk later on the beach; we walked a lot on the beach. Could not resist taking more photos :)

Supper at night was a bit of a dress up event. After being hot and sandy all day we would shower and dress up, and head to the buffet for supper. There was always something awesome to eat :)

Every night there was a show at the Disco. This night at the disco they had a Miss Iberostar competition. Scott was dragged up as one of the judges. He was not impressed lol Can you see him sitting there in his coral and shiny head? ;D

A morning waiting in the bar for coffee lol

and on the beach after drinking it :) this was the routine :) lay down, eat, drink, lay down.
We did manage to keep most of the alcoholic drinks to after dinner time, and made the most of the slushie machine with lime and vodkas :):):)

After this the photos got a little sketchy lol I didnt really do a good job of taking things in order and left it sitting around a lot. LOL
and I totally spent a tonne of time laying and reading and swimming and having tonnes of fun :)
1 comment:
Looks like you have a great time and with lots of Great photos shots for scrapping.
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