What we've been up to lately :)
Because everything has been so incredibly busy around here, Ive not been getting a lot of anything done, and very little of it is done Right. SO I am working on rectifying that by never sleeping. I simply cannot be wasting those hours sleeping that I need to be putting into something more productive.

Holly has her first loose tooth almost ready to fall out. It's been moving for awhile but it's really loose now.

she asked Daddy to pull it out but I say it isnt loose enough and she did chicken out and make him stop. UGH. Teeth and eyes are not my fav things to be touching. Teeth worse.

Im back at doing bows again. This year I have recruited a little army of what I call my Cameron Girls. Because the girls doing the "fluffing" are both last name Cameron, no relation. LOL But they are busiliy fluffing their nights away.

Annika started Youth Bowling last week. Its been a struggle to find her something to do. She didnt wanna do this or that, swimming was too hard to get them all in at the same time, dancing regustration was in July with no advertising and is full for a whole year, and she's just not sure what to do...so we are trying bowling. :) She really likes it too!

She's got a tendency to launch her ball into the air but she's already understanding the idea of throwing just a little faster makes a straighter ball and she likes to watch the pins drop. It's going well.

She's excited to go back every week but it's a pay as you go thing so if we miss....that's ok!

Classes are going ok for me, last week I added a new course so in the process I got myself a little cubby hole, or office to work out of. I was working in the copy room which just wasnt going too well, with me being there 4 or 3 days a week all day. So Ive my own computer and my own shelf lol and somewhere to leave my lunch.

One of 5 classrooms I end up teaching in, I am all over the school lol!

I had my Equine class dissect rabbit digestive tracts last week, it's the only way for them to really get to see what goes on inside there, I mean it's small but it's nearly the same as the horse digestive tract. And much less space-consuming.

They got so involved, I was very proud of them lol cause it wasnt pretty and it smelled somewhat nasty but they got right into it and did a great job!

After finishing the bunnies I had them build a horse digestive tract out of balloons. Yes college students spent a Friday afternoon blowing up balloons. How else can you explain relative size to them without visuals? It was really a great plan, now one can relate what they saw to what they might see in a horse tract. It was awesome fun! But Ilike that sort of thing.
Other than being really tired I am loving being back out in the real world where I have a brain again and Im not just someone's mom.

Went Golfing with Scott and Trent in the Valley near where Trent lives. It was a nice course, some challenges...Im not consisten enough lol!

You cant really see the water down there, but this was a gorgeous view!

Taylor and Holly are into piano lessons again! this was Holly's first time, She did really well, paying attention great and totally getting what Beckie was saying! It went well and she's practicing a lot!

Annika got a little surprise in the mail, a little pair of slipper!

these were hand-dyed wool and hand made slippers from Auntie Al the knitwitch, she did awesome and Annika loves them and by the way she doesnt want me to put anything on the bottom to stop slippies, she likes them that way...Alison How do I plant the seeds?? The were in the envelope and in the slippers and everywhere and some I just dumped in the flower bed but I wondered again what the directions are....
Thanks much for the slippers!!!

on wednesday at school Holly lost that pesky tooth! LOL Her teacher put it in a baggie for her and it came home!

Holly Wrote a nice note asking her tooth fairy if she could keep the tooth and the money, and she could! LOL!

Putting the tooth and note safely under her pillow....

The tooth fairy came overnight and left the tooth and a toonie :) now we are waiting on the next tooth!
First lost tooth, she must have been so excited!!! LOLOL!
Oh boy! The slippers finally got there! I am so glad she likes them.
The seeds: well you kida only had to throw them in the dirt and wait for spring OR start them indoors next spring. They all want SUN though. And seriously...the shoo fly will really get big for such teensy seeds so when they come up thin them out hard.
Both the morning glories and the shoo fly plants will self sow each year if you want plants every year. Or even if you don't.
I have to remember not to read your blog while eating breakfast. LOL Your daughter much be very happy to have lost her first tooth.
Great pics!
Good God Woman do you ever STOP!!!! I get tired just reading your blog...
WOW T-L! You are one busy woman! I'm happy to hear that you got your own little space at school. It must be nice to have a place to put your lunch and coat.
I have been looking everyday for a new entry and I have just realized that you are now officially a worse blogger than me ;)
Drop me a line sometime... I miss ya!
WOW what a week..Is a horse digestive track really that long.. FAR OUT!!!
Wow, very intersting, very cool you are taking photos of this. Looks like you are really enjoying teaching, that is cool.
Boomer would LOVE to be in your class. He so loves to disect things. lol
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