Her first day was a couple of days after the other kids.

She had a really good first week :) She knew a lot of the kids from last year, and was happy to rejoin them. Her bestest friends Chloe and Angeline are both there a lot, which makes her comfortable! She was happy to go in the morning and not upset when I got there to get her, and she had really good days! :) I noticed Wednesday she was getting pretty tired but so was I so I guess it is understandable!
Now today when we arrived there were kids Crying and that of course set her off. I had to leave her not very happy, but I checked on her at lunch time and the teacher said she was fine within minutes although spent the morning "angry". OH do I know THAT Annika?? Totally predictable, that one is.
:) So Preprimary is a total awesome program! They are learning to play instruments and words and letters and numbers and all the Primary stuff! It's really awesome to see :) And with Annika turning 5 so soon and not going to actual primary school, it's just the challenge and entertainment she needs! She's too old to sit at home and watch the same tv shows all day! She needs her friends and school too :)
wow i am very happy to see Annika going to school, in "french"??? lol lol
thank you for sharing dear
She looks like she is ready and happy t be going. She is too cute!
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