Yes the kids have returned to school! I never thought I would say this, but it's about time! I love having them around...I miss them when they go to school, I love storm days and holidays and all that...but they needed to go back to school! The last 2 weeks they have been intolerable! Hateful...teary...bored....unpleasable...and FIGHTING endlessly! Boredom I suppose, and some need for Structure and Routine maybe. So as much as I miss them, they are back in school!
And So am I!!!! I went back as well, to my new job as a Sessional Lecturer at the Agricultural College in town! :):) Me, a TEACHER! How hilarious LOL! LOVING that irony...I was NOT the best student and here I am, teaching!!
Anyway, we got ready days before, actually had school supplies LAST WEEK, like totally ready, but for some clothes that we picked up the night before. I even had a little of my work done ahead...not enough but a little bit hahahah ive a lot left to do each day, need to get a little ahead tho! :):):)
In the morning, since we all had to get outta the house before like 830 ish, I actually hauled outta bed around 630am. Sorry for all you early risers, but that is really super early for me, I hate morning, I despise waking up, and I totally hate being social before like 10 am. UGH!
The kids got up around 7 and because they were excited, we did not have to totally beat them outta bed and from task to task, they were eager to get going too! :)
They ate and I did hair...Taylor had a very "mature" outfit on so she asked me to put her hair in a bun (likely the last time she will ask me to do her hair, it's such an arguement nowadays) and I straightened Holly's, which makes it very long and very pretty :):):)
Then they got dressed in their new clothes :) they were so excited about them! And I do think, they looked AWESOME!

Holly in her new clothes, so different from the ones she did want (which I likely will go get for her birthday) she decided on these ones because she felt they made her look so much more "grown up" and they really do although Cutie Pie still looks like an adorable little cupie doll! :):)

Taylor looking Shockingly grown up. I loved it when she agreed to this nice sweater/top but when she also fell in love with the black pants, I was THRILLED! She looked so nice and respectable compared to the kiddish things she so often picks out :) like
Last Year.
They picked out great bags this year too :)

reluctantly agreed to use her Maple Leafs bag. I really should replace it with something else before that one gets ruined and breaks her little heart. She didnt want to use it at all...I bought her a Maple Leafs pencil case too, so she would feel better about it, but she's worried it will get wrecked. Doesnt stop her from tossing it on the ground tho! :)

Taylor's bag is a little more mature, I warned her that it would be harder to carry this one, but it's what she wanted anyway! The first day, she was commenting endlessly about how hard it was to carry, but I suppose sometimes we need to figure these things out on our own. :)

Annika didnt start school this week. She was kinda out of sorts with the other 2 going off without her. She is starting school on Monday at L'ecole Acadienne de Truro, where she is in a new 4 year old Pre-Primary program which runs all day every day. I dont know if she will stay all day each day, but on days I have to be late she can be there, and also she can stay other days when she wants to. I will pick her up some days if she's getting a little tired or finds it too much. She will be 5 in November after all, and they are finally changing the "school age" cut off, too late to help her, so she should almost be in school this year but wont be going until next year to Primary, the exact year they change the dates. UGHLY I am, but cant change it. Ive loads more to say about that, but I wont.
Annika spent the first 2 days of school with her Nanny, and starts real school on Monday.

My three girls, all being cute and silly and excited about their new School year!

Soooo cute!

All 4 of us ready to head out the door to School!

heading down the path to school! Because I had to be to school too, we ended up there very early, and the kids wanted me to come down and hang around awhile. Which I did :)

The usual happy reunions, people they've actually seen over the summer but apparently not enough so they totally had a hug and screech fest :):):)

And happiness at being back at school:) I am hoping for a great year!