So last week was Annika's last week for soccer. We did find out this week that her leaque will be taking part in the end of year Tournament in September, which we didnt think they would be. So there is one day left.
For their last day, Annika's team had Fun night where the parents played against the kids. Against! hahahahah! it was fun and I didnt plan to play so I was not properly attired. lol

Taylor's Mosquito baseball team entered Playoffs this week. They had a rough season, not playing together so well, not batting too well, and losing a lot of games, some to Forfeit because not enough players came to the game. Not a lot of dedication in some of those players.
Anyway the last couple of weeks they have been playing well, winning a lot of games, and doing much better. Taylor got less scared of the ball, and started to hit it. And they were in a good place coming into the playoffs.
They won their first game on Monday night. Tuesday night they lost but it was due to pitching as Scott was saving his best pitchers for the Third game. Which I got to go to! :) I missed a lot of games for taking the other 2 to their soccer nights.

They started this game with a lead of 3-0. It looked good, they were playing well. BUMMER about the Umpire, he is the worst I have ever seen, legendary even with his poor calls. I was so so mad, that's the reason I need to stay away from Ball Games...I was SOOOO mad at those calls he was making. It really confuses the kids and takes the wind out of their sails when they strike out, never swinging, because they are either trying to avoid getting hit or could never reach the ball, with a strike zone of about 16 feet. Most kids are not tall enough to reach those "strikes" anyway he SUCKED and we can leave it at that. No doubt about how it affects the outcome of a game tho.

Of course I was so busy yelling and cheering I didnt get a photo of her Running into HOME to score the tying run! But she totally DID! her team came out to High Five her and it was all and awesome time!
Didnt last forever tho, as the other team scored at the bottom of the 6th to win the game. It's sad to see the season end but it did end on a good note when the team was playing well together and Taylor had that hit! She was sad to stop playing now, finally getting into the game. I dont know if she will play next year.

and Last Night Holly's soccer season ended, but for the Tournament in September. their team has been doing great most of the season and has won more games than lost, played really well together the past few weeks, and basically had a great season with very little troubles.
Holly really LOVES soccer. and she's such a little cracker out there, getting in the middle of things and taking the ball away from kids way bigger than she is. She's always kind of playing a level ahead, with a birthday late in the year she is bumped up to the next level fast, spending only one year at Under 6, now this year playing Under 8 with kids who are already 8 years old, and much bigger. Didnt seem to phase her at all, I just love watching her play! She also loves to play Goalie, and doesnt do too badly at it either! :)

Holly scored a good goal in this game, the first for our team in that game. :) One of the other boys who had not scored all year also scored. IN the past couple of games I saw a lot of first goals as the kids learned the positions and started to make the most of them, passing the ball around and going to the net. YES a couple of them DID learn the concept of GO TO THE NET, which I yelled so much they must have started to hear it in their dreams GO TO THE NET PLEASSSSSE go to the NETTTTT! lol. I was glad to learn last night that our team was not the only one to not always get the concept. But there was much improvement and I was glad to see lots of passes and lots of calling out to teammates "I'm open" or Pass here or something to help out when caught in tunnel vision. There was still lots of "sheep following" going on, with one person on the ball and the rest trailing behind but there were a few shining moments when one of them would GO to the net and get a goal, and the light came on and they got it. :):):)

So we won this game by one goal, partly to good play, excellent goaltending, and their team having no one to change shifts with so I am thinking they were getting tired towards the end although you couldnt really tell, they were really playing their hearts out. It was a great note to end on, and we cant wait til the tournament in a couple of weeks! :)

1 comment:
lot's of great action shots TL.
I too am happy/sad when sports end. Seems like it takes most of the season for them to come together and play as a team and really click and then they are done.
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