After a rather rough start, with late growing and a few Deer setbacks, the gardens have gotten going in great form. We fertilized with Rabbit Manure and Miracle Grow...Scott cracks me up, he wants everything bigger, better, more more more. lol but he doesnt always wanna deal with it afterwards. Ask him how often he's mowing the lawn hahahahahah!
Anyway I snapped a few photos of some of my favorite flowers.

These Pink Flowers look awesome while they are blooming. Apparently they are somewhat like a weed, and once you have them, you cannot get rid of them. They do tend to spread a little but I pull them where I dont want them...and I think they are SO pretty plus they fill in lots and the kids love them. I got them from my MIL with a warning that they try to take over everything. LOL She would know, having lost a great Clematis in her attempts to remove them from her garden...and she still has the pink flowers.

One of the Lilies that survived the deer, but it's growing almost under the Peony so it's a little stumped, still very pretty. actually it likely is still alive because it was hiding hahaha!
I had a photo of the Peonies that finally after 5 years had 2 blooms...but I cannot find the proof that it blooomed hahahah!

One of the Gazillion Day Lilies we have them all over. I even have some purple ones.

Another colour of Day Lily. They are very huge, the flowers are about 4 feet high and these blooms are at least 6 inches.

Some sort of Daisy. Im not sure what these are bet there are tonnes of them. Tonnes! LOL

A pink coneflower. I think the other Daisy things might be ConeFlowers too. Not sure.

Im not sure what this is but it's cute and there are loads of them too.

Clematis, bloomed a couple of weeks ago.

Hosta, it's like 3 feet across and it bloomed last week.

Sedum, which is about 3 feet high and wide. It will turn pink in the fall.

Front corner garden from the front

And from behind. It really needs to be reorganized lol like everything else...and there's a TREE in the middle you can barely see anymore for the flowers.

Front Other garden from the front

And from the back. It's mostly been taken over by Day Lilies, I am trying to move these to the side of my house but since they are hidden behind my neighbor's big ol van, it's not much fun right now. LOL

Some of those really pretty Daisy things.

A cute hosta that I hope gets bigger next year, it has curly leaves.

The flowers in pots on the doorstep. Miracle grow is a good thing. :) They are funny, I got the flowers for them but I didnt plant them fast enough cause I came home and Scott had planted them. they look good tho :)

the flower bed to the left of the doorstep.

And the flower bed to the Right of the doorstep.

And the practically finished flag stone walk way. It needs some more bricks and I want to make a little wall to the right around that geranium, but its pretty much finished.
Your flowers are beautiful!!!! The pink flowers that take over are Cosmos. *L* I have a ton of them also, in the same pale pink, deep pink and white. The yellow/rust daisy looking flower, looks to be Gillardia. I have a bunch of those also! I LOVE your yard!!!
Oh Teri, you have a gorgoeu garden dear, very pretty is amazing those flowers are so gorgoeus! tfs
wow you have a green thumb!
your garden and yard is amazing TL...thanks for the link from LIITD.
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