I love Spring Fling at the kids' school! Every year they have this awesome carnival with games and prizes. We always go! We didnt spend much time inside this year, at least that I took photos of! They had Bouncy Houses on the front lawn! :) 3 great big ones! They had slides and everything, it was fun!

The Treasures of the Caribbean bouncy house/slides. Their fav, and really it had the fastest moving lines.

Scott was only there for a few minutes but he was a good pack horse while he was there. I had to carry the stuff after he left.

WAiting in line for their turns. they went in over and over and over.

Holly all ready for the "ready set go!"

Holly comes down the slide.

Katelyn comes down the slide.

And Annika comes down the slide.

Taylor with friends. I didnt see too much of them all night.
the POC looks like alot of fun!
wow, your girls do know how to have so much fun!!!!!! tfs
Wowm Spring fling is a lot more than it used to be eh!!!!!!
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