I never thought I would see it in a theater again:) Really.
Talk about take me back 20 years!
Ya 20 years ago, Dirty Dancing was released. And became my favorite movie!
Maybe partly because it was a first (I think) date with a really nice guy and really the first time Id been allowed out without parents (although we were with a small group). Maybe it was the music. Maybe the dancing which really was Tonnes of awesome. Maybe it was Patrick Swayze all sweaty and tanned. Whatever it was, I watched that movie until every single line was burned into my mind.
With the Anniversary came a chance to see the movie IN the theater again. What an experience! It was AWESOME! Big screen, awesome sound to the music, same cheesy lines, same cheesy looks....and Dancing! So hard to sit in our seats with all that dancing!
We went to Halifax before supper. Shelley drove, and Tracy, Lisa, and Lori completed the group.

OH my goodness these young things kinda put me in my place when they said they never saw Dirty Dancing in the Theater. They were all TOO YOUNG! Oh my gawd how old does that make me? I DID see it in the theater! LOL Shocking to me who thinks she's still so young!

We had supper first at the Boston Pizza! It was awesome pizza! LOL And nice drinks too!

We didnt get to the theater terribly early and ended up sitting really close to the front! It was so big! From that close you almost were IN the movie :)

And the music starts, and the title comes up! SHIVERS!!!! I was immediately in that theater again, or listening to the soundtrack, or anywhere other than 2007! LOL!

Yes I took photos in the theater. They didnt turn out so well when there was a lot of movement, so most of the dancing photos looked too blurred. But I did take photos of my favorite parts :)

The nice, sweet, romantic parts...Can't you almost hear the music? Don't you feel like Cryin?

You can almost make out the sweat lol PS was SOOOOOO sexy!

I was shocked how many people were laughing! I wonder why they were there? There was so much Laughter at inappropriate times, I was quite annoyed! I wasnt the only one! LOL

OOO Baby in the corner! Shivers again, waiting for it!

Gorgeous Jennifer Grey before she changed her entire look...

"Nobody puts Baby in the Corner" There it is! Classic Line! Everyone in the theater cheered! LOL!

That last dance, so awesome! I could almost CRY! LOL!

And the lift, what an awesome way to finish the movie! :):):)

The Credits...so SAD! I didnt want it to end! LOVE to know the rest of the story LOL!
So we leave the theater all happy and giddy and head off for our dessert :) Back to Boston Pizza for Brownie dessert :)

Good Times, Good Times :):):)
ROFLMBO you took photos in the theatre ROFLMBO!!! I saw it in the theatre too GOD am I as old as YOUUUU???? ROFLMBOOOO im kidding dont throw your trimmer at me!!
HA You can NO LONGER goad me about my age.
I saw this movie in Halifax when there was still a theater on Barrington street. I went with my pal Tracy from Pictou County and we were both in our freshman year at St Mary's.
Remember when everybody started dirty dancing in clubs and at dances etc?? Kinda whorey but very popular.
how cool!!! that was a lovely movie i like it too!!! looks like you girls had a fabulous time together!!!! tfs
OMG!!! That has to be my all time favourite movie!!!!
I named my new Rebel "Baby" because I will never "put Baby in a corner!".
I didn't know it was coming back out at the movies. I'd love to go see it on the big screen again. :o)
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