Scott brought home a fish on Monday that he actually bought ages ago and had not been able to bring home, a Lemon Butterfly Fish for his Saltwater Tank.

Since the tank was rearranged, the Clown fish, who tend to bond with something in the tank, have bonded with the Feather Duster, a Tube Worm that doesnt move :)

In the mail today, 3 more pets arrived! The girls were thrilled to get a Back to School box from their Uncle Trevor who lives in Saskatoon and doesnt get home very often! Trevor and Roseanna and Lorne (friends :)) sent the girls these really awesome little pets as well as some pencils and books, funky girl face clothes (Thanks Taylor lol),card games, and stickers! Thanks Uncle Trevor et. al.!
What a nice uncle those girlies have. How sweet and thoughtful.
Now don't you feel bad for all the hateful things you said about him? LOL
Actually, can you email me Trevor's address? I have a photo of him, me, and Jay that I want him to have. :oD
awwwww look at all the fishies I will ahve to break down and get some nemos i guess hahahaha
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