Today we reached another point in our car-dom. We've had 2 cars for a few years now, and our Mazda was partly covered by Scott's company as he drove it for work almost all the time. UNfortunaltly the vehicle allowance didnt pay for the oil changes, tires, maintenance, extra hard wear on the car. LOL With the company's help we removed the Mazda from our family today, and picked up the Company-Provided Car, another Honda! No it's not a coincidence, it is what Scott chose, we love Honda and find it a really nice reliable car that drives nice and looks nice.

The Mazda was an awesome car, I loved it and drove it for the entire first year we had it! Then it would not fit all the car seats with the baby one facing forward, and we had to make the move to the Van for the next couple of years. THAT is something I was glad to leave behind.

The new Honda is Galaxy Grey and it drives nice, I tried it this afternoon and could get used to it LOL but it IS his work car :)

Our Two Matching Hondas now sit in our yard :)
whewewewwwww NICE hondasss
Schwanky! Ain't you all movin' on up! :oD
Love Hondas!!! We would have bought a Pilot last Feb, but needed a bit better mileage. We ended up with our first Toyota (highlander hybrid)
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