4H Day at the Ex was just this past week. It has been a super busy week, and more if you count all those days of barn cleanup, working on the new cement floor, endless meetings, decorating and moving animals, and it's no wonder I don't know what my husband looks like anymore.

Oh there he is. 4H Tug of War.
So we helped decorate on Sunday after my long long run and I was bagged and didnt help much lol Scott was running around building stuff and making sure things were where they were supposed to be :)

The displaylooked great when they were done decorating it with the Trend theme :)

Holly hard at work ;)

I guess Taylor is done!

Making those doors hard to open!

My cutie

After the deocrating and cleaning was done we went over to check on the Lifeskills area if there was some way to help; and to check out results of the judging which went on that day. some NICE results! Holly's Explosion Album won Reserve and is going off to the Provincial 4H Show Next month!

Taylor's friends page got a red ribbon as did her 5 page album. Her Other Theme page got a second. Holly's Other Theme page got third.

Holly's Sign for a fourth place! SO glad they all placed!
Taylor also placed well in Judging dairy, being top Junior and Reserve Champ with a 98!
SO the next day we showed up to get the animals there. They had to be in within a small window of time that evening :)

Calves installed in their places,

Kids tidy up the area

And behave like total social butterflies.
Home early and into bed; super early morning coming up!
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