Then we went to the dolphin area up front and had one on one time with the dolphins; we had a trainer and a set of dolphins for our group and we were able to touch, and take part in their training. :)
They did tricks for us. It was awesome to see how they were with the trainers; playful, affectionate, attention seeking. They really were like big wet dogs. And their training; is all positive reinforcement. they kind of ignore the dolphins if they arent doing what is asked; there isnt any "you have to do this or else you dont get fish" and the dolphins really seem to be doing what they do for fun. And when we stepped back and ignored them...they all came over to the edges of the pool to see why we stopped watching and clapping heheheGreat time there for all of the kids who get it a little more now.Then we saw: the penguin exhibit. Cute but short.The Shark exhibit; very cool....short. Ya get on a conveyor belt so no one stops and blocks traffic. You go through a thick tube where the sharks are swimming all around. was awesome.Seal and Otter show...cheesy and hilarious with these funny animals again being amazing to watch...they love their trainers (or the fish...whichever) and seemed to be laughing all the time :):)Then it was kinda ride time. We went on the Journey to Atlantis; The kids could all go and they loved it...til it was the Roller Coaster part. Holly is NOT a roller coaster girl. 2 times on it and she was done.NAnny and Grampy took the littles to the Shamus' Happy Harbour playground spot while Scott and Taylor and I went on some bigger rides. The Kraken was this roller coaster that went up and down and around and upside down and was awesome. The Manta is a new ride that strapped us up on our stomachs and flew us through the air like a manta goes through the sea; kind of their point of view. It was very fast and we kinda liked the Kracken better; but I was so loving going on them both!Then like that it was time to go home. We had dinner at the Olive Garden and THAT was awesome. Ive missed that bread and salad :):):)Thought the kids would go to sleep fast; They didnt so much. Im sure they are exhausted.Update tomorrow. Add photos.
I went to Sea World when I was 8.Man,lots of stuff has changed since then!
Marineland doesn't seem so cool now that I've heard about Seaworld...:o( I looove manatees. Wanna hug one. there's a Veggie Tales song about a Barbara Manatee soap opera character.
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