Exhibition day starts super early for the Dairy people in particular. I was lucky and got to stay home with Annika :):) We slept in a teensy bit which was really good after she spent the night awake with a cough :( we were sleeepy people!
We got to the Ex just before the first Tug of War pull happened (but after the weigh in) Im happy about that...lol perfect timing! LOL

Tug Of War team ready for their first pull...

Digging Trenches to get grip

Holly didnt get to pull the first time; they make up their team based on weight, closest to max without going over is best for weight (doesnt always get you the best pullers tho...)

Despite a hard pull and some maneuvers they did lose the first pull...to the team that eventually won.
After Tug of war they had a big of a break before they had to head over to the Agridome for the Scrapbooking Competition. They had loads of time to do it all BUT the competition before Scrapbooking went late and rather than setting up at the side of the room, they waited and waited and started 45 minutes late which put their Dairy coach into a panic because Junior Showmanship was next and OMG There is nothing quite as important as Dairy projects!
The girls had just enough time to finish their Scrapbook pages before they ran off to change their clothes to whites and get into the Dairy Ring. Their calves had gotten ready before Scrapbooking so they got their in plenty of time.

And she was pulled in third place behind two older boys.

Taylor had a rough time and the first time she was actually placed 12th! She gets flustered when things are not going well and has to learn to take it in stride. But she did keep on showing, the calf settled down and behaved better, and the judge moved her up to 6th place which I thought was a much better place for her; I saw some pretty crappy showmanship between 6th and 12th LOLOLOL She was lucky the judge recognised her perseverance and moved her.

The final placings has Holly in third....doesnt she look TINY! OMG!

And Taylor brought it up to 6 very well. Im sure although she planned to do better, she was relieved to be where she ended up! And she did understand why.

Holly was pretty tickled to be third in showmanship and do not think it was any small part that she had beat Taylor who is a realllllly good showperson. She knows what she did; and she knows that if she had been one more placing up, she would have gone to Pro Show for showmanship. :):)

Calf Conformation Classes were next; Holly`s Calf Royal is a Junior Calf (Born after March) and she showed it first.

She looks really good with her peers and was called into line up first! :) Not unexpected tho; She`s a great calf!

Holly worked really hard to make sure Royal looked her best!

And Royal stayed in First place! That means for Junior Calf Holly will be taking Royal to the Provincial 4H show in October!

Taylor shows a Senior calf...Sparta was born in September of last year. She was looking particularly good this day...

She was called into lineup second behind Alexander`s Calf and the judge looked at them very closely.

And he called her back out to walk in first place! :) She was surprised!

Taylor`s calf remained in first place (it was close tho) and She will be taking her senior calf to Pro Show as well!

Taylor and Holly both got to go back into the ring for Champion Calf :) All of the firsts and seconds go in. Both calves were pulled out of line for the Champion calves...

And Holly`s Calf was picked for Honourable Mention :):):) This made her happy :)
Although hers was not picked, Taylor`s calf was called out so it was also considered to be a good calf by the judge that day :)
A great Dairy day for the kids! :)

Annika did not have a great day; after coughing all night she proceeded to sleep every time we stopped moving, in the stands, in a stall made vacant by showing sheep;) She was not feeling well at all! She slept half the day and woke up later for a bit of lunch with Nanny and Grampy before she fell back asleep. She was better that night.

4H Parade (awards) were at the end of the day and our club looked festive in their orange and black Clifton shirts.

The awards from our point of view.
It was a super long day with a lot of exhausted children by the end . As much fun as we had, I was not sorry when it was time to go home. And we slept better that night (despite Annika`s continued coughing!)