At the end of July this year we had an addition to our family :) After many horse free years we have entered a new horsey relationship :)

Kylie belongs to my friend Gill's Motherinlaw, Pam. She has had Kylie since she was 2 years old and she is 11 now. Breed only we can guess at, she is a Bay, big and muscled and really likes to jump :) Pam offered her to Gill and we are half leasing her :)

On a Friday before a show at Salmon River, we went to Sackville to pick her up. Annika made the trip with us.

Kylie was ready to go in her fancy travelling clothes ;)

She quite liked the stock trailer with its openness and brighness, and hopped right on the trailer!

We delivered her without incident to the Central Nova Pony Club.

Nicole has been riding Kylie for Pam. She brought her to this hunter show:)

Kylie really likes to jump! The weather wasnt so great over the past days before and therefore there was a mud soup to go through but the footing was good so the show went on. these little jumps didnt challenge Kylie so much as she can go higher :)

Annika really likes getting to know Kylie :)

And she was very interested when she was delivered to her new home after the show. A total life change for her - pastures, herdmates, and kids!

She is extremely quiet and gentle with the kids. Always looking for a treat and a good scratching! The kids are SMITTEN :)

She has friends in the herd now, despite showing little social interest at first. She raced around the pasture, and had a good roll before getting down to serious business - eating :)

Loving pasture life :)

Time for work! lol I feel so out of riding-shape!

The first rides the kids had was pretty special :) they thought she was wonderful!

Annika poor thing is so small she cant reach the sides of the horse LOL She is comfy with someone holding the lunge line and she even had a trot; It was bouncy for her!

Holly has a nice natural way of sitting. She has a great sitting trot and did very well keeping her heels down!


Taylor was very annoyed that I wouldnt let her hold onto the saddle. She had to airplane to keep her hands off! hahaha

A little schooling session. Kylie must bend! She must be round! hahahahha

Holly and Annika had another little ride this day :) With there being many kids, some days a little short ride will have to do ;)

SO we are back in Horse Business!
yeeeeeehhhaawwwww! I LOVE IT! IF we lived back in mississippi and I was healthier Bellabug would have one too!
It's nice that the kiddies are used to being around horses and aren't scared of them. To a point I'm scared of them now becauseI wasn't around them alot when I was little, and they are sooooo big. Riddin is fun, bet they have a blast.
That is so much fun! The girls are probably loving every minute! She is beautiful!
fabulous pics ..... looks like lots of fun.
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