we left 2 of the kids there for drama and church this morning; Holly came home with us. She's always been the nervous one.
This morning Scott milked the cows and so when I got up it was very quiet here. :) Holly slept in until almost 9 am :) yay!
I started early doing bows; it took a while with a few breaks to do some bows to send to my Cameron girls lol. The kids came home, we had breakfast and dinner, and by the time I was finished doing the second bag it was time to go to my first hockey game ofthe year! While looking for my elbow pads I came across a good surprise.
In August after our last ball hockey game we celebrated at the Engine Room and took some photos. The next morning I could not find my camera. After awhile it was concluded I had left it behind at the Engine room. There was no sign of it. I was very upset; its really not like me to leave things behind at all and besides the money the camera was worth, there were photos on it I really wanted, like our team photo. Over the next few weeks i lost a lot of sleep and a lot of stress over this camera being gone. I hated even thinking about it and would end up getting up in the middle of the night to NOT think about it.
While searching for elbow pads (which are missing still) I looked in the end of my Ball Hockey bag; there was the camera. OMG. I was so happy to see it! AND the spare key to the CRV was also there. That bag sat on the back deck for weeks mocking me as it held 2 things I had searched high and low for.
So I am thrilled to have my camera back and a photo of our ball hockey team to boot!
After the hockey game, at which I scored a goal and we won the game, there was a BBQ in our new neighborhood. A Welcome to the Neighborhood, for us and for the people across the road. OH it was so fun! First of all, I was an hour late because I forgot about the hockey game and I just couldnt miss the game; first one this year!
So when I showed up Scott and the girls had met everyone :) What a nice lot of people we have moved in next to! They are fun and nice and friendly and its almost like we are living in a movie where we love our house and the neighborhood seems too good to be true; Im waiting for the murdering and adultery to start;
seriously a wonderful neighborhood to have moved into and Im very glad to be here!
I had a burger and some fruit and then everyone played a game of soccer. Hilarious! Holly got hit by the ball 3 times! She called herself the target!
so that was my awfully good day!
Congrats on finding your camera and key. I would say that you have one heck of a good day!! :o)
Sounds like the move was a good one - I am happy for you! And I hope you spread some of that luck my way -- I need to find my memory card!!
Make it a great day!
I'm glad you found your camera and equally glad thatyou love your house and it's surroundings!!!!!!!!!!
Glad you found your camera! That is one great neighbourhood. WOW I've never heard of neighbours having a BBQ to welcome the new people on the street. Very cool!! I think this will be a great place for you and your family!
Sounds like a wonderful day ... glad you found your camera and key, and congats on the win. WTG!
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