Was a nice quiet low-key event here.
Last year was really the best. We had too much fun. This year I kinda feel a little in a funk and wanted to completely avoid the crowds so we did.

To begin with, the kids had a sleepover with Nanny the night before so the day started slowly. It was hot tho and that tends to drive one outta bed. lol We got up and had some breakfast and I was doing a few chores and we were thinking about getting the kids when this FELLOW shows up at the door ;)

Scott had asked his friend to give a quote on how much it would cost to replace the fascia boards on the house and poof he's here with primed boards all ready to go up :) Um ok if you wanna work on Canada Day, feel free; we arent going to be here right?
Well Scott starts puttering around outside while I go get a shower and I come out and he has asked his mother to bring the kids in lol
We had options of going to the pond we visited last year, or going to the beach which I kinda had my heart set on but I figured we could do both. Scott was getting cranky putting the bikes on the car so we could go to the pond, it was getting late, things were just getting too hard....
So we tossed into the car and tossed off the bikes and went to the beach.

We got there sometime after 3 and the tide was way way way out. Way. Out. Millions of hermit crabs, the girls were very happy collecting them up into pools.

They searched and we spent loads of time watching them walking backwards and fighting and making walls that kept being washed away by the tides coming back in. Holly would pick up all these hermit crabs in her hands but she didnt like the brine shrimp in the water popping around her feet. Wuss.
OK I cant bear them either! But Holly put on her crocs later and went in the water and she was ok then lol so she got to do some swimming and water exploring. Wish we had thought of the boogie boards. They would have loved those.

We played in the sand and I read my book on the blanket for awhile while Scott went up to start the BBQ and make some burgers. LOL We got up to the car about 20 minutes later to see the BBQ was not starting lol and no supper was cooking up :)
While the kiddies waited for us to get it going, they ate the watermelon we had for dessert hehehe

Even Shelley got to come to the beach and have some watermelon. She totally stayed on the blanke while Annika was swimming tho :)Shelley the Turtle doesnt swim. Ironic yes!

While the burgers cooked the kids played Bocci. Annika threw the white ball very well :)

No spatula but it works.

Scott took a break to help Holly with her golf swing :)

Annika was totally annoyed that she didnt have a pink ball. Taylor did find her one eventually LOL but all this fuss over a ball colour annoys me HAHAH!

Finally time to eat the burgers!! ;) Everyone cheered up about the food :)

Dessert was Frozen Yogurt Tubes lol nice and cool ;)

After we ate we cleaned up and left, it was getting late and we had to be back for Fireworks. We didnt make it to the pond thanks to the really slow BBQ lighting. Darned Briquets. We saw 3 deer including this one who thought we were pretty fascinating too :)

We drove back to town and met Brian and Emily at his parents house to watch the fireworks. Good front row view :)
While waiting for them to start the kids had sparlers and I think they liked these almost as much as the fireworks!!

The Fireworks display was very nice and loud and bright. Some of those explosions were so colourful and I gotta wonder how they manage to make shapes in the sky. The kids LOVED them. :)

After the fireworks and sparklers were all finished, there was one tired crew of kids who were still very excited about all the lights and noise.
By the time we got home only one was awake LOL!
Great pics!! Looks like you guys had a full day. I miss those days. Enjoy them while you can.
Looks like you had a really great day!
your fireworks and sparkler pics are amazing!
Sounds like a great time at the beach..wish we had nice beaches closer to us!
Looks and sounds like you had a nice Canada day!!! Good for you guys. PS, I have some new pics of Cullen on my blog if you wanna see.
Wonderful pictures. :) Sounds like a very fun day :)
Love the pics... I love the sparkle one!!! Looks like you all had a wonderful day!!!
VERY cool pics T-L!!! Looks like you had a great day at the beach!! I would probably wear my crocs in the water too. LOL You got some great fire works pictures!!
Your girls are beautiful!!!
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