Hockey Season has again begun! LOL Holly has been through her Evaluations and placed on a Developement Team called the Bruins. :) She's into some bigger gear and has a bigger stick and I cannot believe how far she has come since last year!

Their first practice was on the Big Ice at Truro rink. I think she likes that rink a lot! LOL They did a lot of Drills up and down the ice.

She has a lot of room for improvement on her skating. Alot of the drills were a little over her head, but she tried very hard and did a really good effort.

And she was really happy with how she did.
She already has plans of how her
ice rink in the back yard is going to look this year! She and Daddy are going to build it bigger and better and make it go in the other direction! lol

Holly and Scott both play most of their hockey at Hockeyville, Deuville's rink in Salmon River.

Their first Controlled Scrimmage was a great one :) Holly has been playing defence, and although she's a little small for defence, her Soccer experience makes her a good one. she stayed in position and had a knack for anticipating where the puck would be. :) She had an awesome soccer coach!

She's done very well and I expect she's going to get much better as this year goes on! lol

Annika had a friend to play with while Holly was playing hockey! Owen's sister plays on Holly's team :)

Scott plays hockey too, for Carter's Chiropractic (where we both are patients lol) in an Old Timer's 4 on 4 league YES I just DID say OLD TIMERS Hahahahahahhahaahahah!

They get a little rough (there's no checking allowed) but I watched this game and Scott didnt get too mouthy, he totally got 2 goals and they won the game :)
It's all ON now! lol Holly is on the ice 2 times today, and most Saturdays! She has a weekly 645 am practice, which Scott will be taking care of at least for the rest of this month! lOL!
LOL, hockey doesn't sound fun at all to me...gottta give it to Holly. If I have a girl I so hope she wants to do dance or something that I wouldn't mind watching. If not oh well...but a girl can hope. LOL!
Hockey is tonnes of fun! The games are exciting and if you watched your little girl out playing it, you would be proud even if it isnt dancing lol Holly really loves it!
Boomer loves to watch Hockey. He would love to play too. But where we live there is no teams or even a rink to practice on. lol Glad that she is having fun.
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