Last weekend was a tonne of fun! Scott's cousin Monica married her long time fellow Cory. The wedding was short and so sweet, and then between wedding and reception there were some drinks at an Uncle's house, and then the reception had an excellent meal and gorgeous decorating! a dance later and poof we were home with no kids by midnight cause the kids were sleeping over at Katelyn's house (yes all three) and we could sleep in Sunday morning. Sounds perfect right?
Well first there were a few things to get through.
Scott and the kids dropped me off at Gayle's (mom of the bride) where the girls were getting dressed and ready. They had make up done, and hair done, and were just slipping into dresses! I took my moments and took a few candid photos for the MOTB. They were really having a good time.
Just before the girls headed off to the church Scott came back and took me off to the wedding :) We arrived in a good time I think, since we didnt have to wait too too long for the wedding to start. The church was hot and it was a gorgeous day!
Great wedding it was too! The vows were all nice and short, good songs, cute kids..what more can one ask LOL!
After the Bridal party left the church we went to George's for a few drinks and a rest, and then headed to the reception.
Shocked to find almost no one was there...likely they were all out getting photos taken ahhahah!
So everyone came and ate and chatted and danced and drank way too much, typical NS party if you ask me LOL!
and then we went home. It was close to home so Scott and I walked there without kids did I mention no kids??
we went to bed and were woken soon after by Lucas who had made his way up the hill. He slept in the living room and lived up to his name PUKas by puking on my new chair. OMG.
Sunday was a rough day, not feeling too too well !lol
much better now.
So here are some photos I took of the day and the dance :)

Bride waiting...

Gayle and Mary (the mom and sister)

Gayle and Rick (the mom and dad)

Gayle and Rick

Gayle getting her corsage.

Monica gets 5 seconds to relax.

Before doing more and more photos...

A Small adjustment on a bow. the flower girl is Makhia, neice of the bride and groom :)

Taking another break. I wonder if she was tired of having camera's pointed at her yet?

Little Makhia was sweet, waffling between "bored" and "cheery" she loved the photo taking!

Being entertained by Gayle and some bubbles. Keeping a little girl in white clean was hard work!

She found a truck and was happy!

A few family photos, The Randle's!

Sisters Mary and Monica.

Mom and her girls!

and Dad and his little girl! lol

Parents with the Bride.

And Monica and Gayle.

After a little break from photos and the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson with their little boy.

Outside the church after the wedding...

The Thompson's first dance

more first dance

Ok someone told a story or gave advice to get the Parents of the Bride to kiss. hmm.;)

Gramma and Carter.

Family cuts the cake...

Bride dancing with the Father of...

those Dickie Girls...

Gayle with the Grandparents of the Bride...

Momma and her tired little fellow

sharing a sweet dance.

Rockin' Grands...

And the new Randle-Thompson family at the end of one very long day :)
wow Teri, what a beautiful BRIDE and pictures, you're awsome, I love them all, beautiful dress too, what a beautiful moments.. thank you for sharing.
What a wonderful site.
Thanks so much for taking the pictures, they are great !!!!!!
wonderful job !!!!!! I thought the wedding & Monica were just so beautiful, it is really great to hear someone else's perspective.
Really appreciate the wonderful job.
Agai, thanks so much.
Wonderful Pictures of a beautiful looking family!! You did a great job Teri!!
Nice photos...looked like a nice wedding with all the trimmings!
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