After the horse riding lessons and soccer et cetera last Thursday we went to the beach! I cannot believe it's the first time this year, it's been SO so busy Im just not sure when we will ever get there!
Scott was actually on vacation last week, picked an awesome week with great weather and all, but we didnt really do much...since he travels so much with work, it's a vacation for him to get to stay home. SIGH if only I got out as much...
Anyway Thursday night after soccer we were all packed and part way there so we got some ice cream and went to the beach. It's about an hour away.
Now this is where Ive gotten spoiled past 2 years. I dont want to go to the beach, spend a few hours and go home, having been full of sand, used public smelly toilets, and been hot all day. I need to have a cottage to retire to when tired, sleepy, too hot, or needing to shake off the sand. I need to sleep with the waves and wake up surrounded by windows that show the water and sand. You think it sounds unrealistic to need this? See I am spoiled cause that's what I GOT and now it's what I want all the time. I could have done without the BEETLE the crawled over my head but I will take the rest.
We went with friends, Brian's mother owns the cottage and she lets them use it and LUCKY us got to go over and spend a night! :) It was too awesome.
We got there before dark, the kids didnt swim, the tide was in, we missed the sun set but it was still sorta light out. The kids played and then bugs chased us to the deck and then inside. The kids went to bed "eventually" and then we did. Scott came sometime after 11 SIGH and spent the night too.
And I did wake up with the waves in my ears and the sun in my eyes and a little body beside me of the little girl who was scared in the night.

The kids got up, made sure everyone else was up, and got into their bathing suits. They went RIGHT out onto the beach. HOW AWESOME IS THAT? :D And they stayed there the whole time we were making breakfast.

Scott and Brian had their coffee on this nicely placed bench and they watched the kids in the water and sand.
Leanne and I made breakfast.

We had watermelon, french toast, and bacon. SEE WHY I CANNOT JUST GO TO BEACH FOR AFTERNOON? How does one give this up? The kids ate outside and in (whereever they wanted) and they came nicely in shifts so food was always ready for them. Spoiled!

After breakfast everyone went out. The older 4 kids and men went out in the water and Leanne and I cleaned up and followed with the 2 smaller kidlets. Annika worked very hard collecting rocks so we went around collecting those. We also collected some hermit crabs which are really fun. We caught a creepy little shrimp that nips at our toes when tide is out, I really HATE those things!

the kids had their boogie boards to play on, they were quite far out but there were sand bars to keep them grounded.

Annika and Sage stayed closer to the beach.

Scott left to go golfing and we stayed on after a yummy cooked/warmed/bbqed dinner (LOL SEE SPOILED ROTTEN) then mid afternoon we headed home and did very little. LOL