Although they are small and behind for this time of year, we are still seeing colour in our yard! Flowers are blooming and we are planning the flowers we would like to put in the for Annuals. Lots of impatients as our front yard is very shaded.

One of the few tulips that survived the deer.

The one single Daffodil.

Hanging basket Scott bought for the front of the house.

Some crazy white voilets that I pull out in handfulls to keep them from taking over the garden.

The new Rhododendron bush.

lily of the Valley that smells really strong.

The bleeding Hearts. This plans is a fraction of it's usual size.

Some purple violet sort of things.
wow very pretty flowers TEri, looks gorgeous, fab colors! tfs
Beautiful shots TL!!!!
Look at you Miss Green Thumb. looking good. I love flowers in my yard, makes me smile.
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