So they set up in their three little areas. actually they set up on the floor of my space and I had to move them out. Seriously. Then they fought over who was going where and Taylor started tossing Holly's stuff out SO I gave Holly my big scrapping table and she had her own space. Thank goodness Annika was so nice and just wanted to be left alone on the floor :)

I gave hints and advice but mostly had to stay out of the whole discussion because I cant not interfere LOL!
They came up with their own creations on their own, and although it sometimes makes me shudder and it aint MY style LOL I have to say I am very proud of their intentions and the fun they have making their pages :):)) They are going to be awesome little scrappers!

awww Teri this is so pretty, love tha they ahre that kind of moments with you :) tfs
This is so sweet. My kids do this to. Even when they are just coloring a picture, they say they are scrappin.
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