Yes again we went to PEI but this time, we took all three kids out of school for the day, and spend a Friday night over. Scott did some work while we were there.

We left Truro bright and early, and it was gorgeous and sunny and cold! On the pass, we ran into SNOW! Apparently there it was not very good during the day! It really lasted about 20-30 minutes for us (not even maybe) but it sure looked bad!
but once past, it was bright and sunny again.

Lovely view from the bridge.

There is this place on the way to Summerside where we often stop for photos. I got awesome photos there year before last. We stopped for a little run around for kids and dogs while over.

It was SO so cold! LOL the kids only had their sweaters on so didnt last long outside. I had a coat on and still didnt last long.

The kids are packed so cozy into the back of the CRV.

Lucky they dont fight too too often back there. LOL
Scott stopped in Summerside to work and we went to the mall. we picked up a few things for the trip, like pop and some supplies for the stampin class I was to do that night. I lost my hand cream and found ti again which the kids thought hilarious because Momma doesnt often lose thing.
After the mall we picked Scott up and went to Charlottetown and to the hotel. After a stop at Michael's and Walmart. At the hotel I took the kids swimming while Scott did other calls in town.

They really enjoyed the pool which isnt all that deep and is cold cold! LOL I didnt get in.
So when Scott came back I went to my class, and enjoyed some stampin and chattin. It was a good time :)

Arent they so cute when they are sleeping. I was surprised they slept together so well, usually they refuse to. Of course the two little ones were sleeping when they were put into bed so that helps.

Went for an early, fast swim the next morning before we raced out of town so that Holly could get to her hockey game at noon!
LOL, they are adorable anyway...but cute as ever when they are sleeping. It's nice that you guys can go with Scott and get some family travels in.
looks liek they had a wonderful tim eand yes what is as precious as a sleeping child lol
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